PingGateway 2024.9


Verifies that a specified condition is met. If the condition is met, the request continues to be executed. Otherwise, the request is referred to a failure handler, or PingGateway returns 403 Forbidden and the request is stopped.


    "name": string,
    "type": "ConditionEnforcementFilter",
    "config": {
        "condition": runtime expression<boolean>,
        "failureHandler": Handler reference


"condition": runtime expression<boolean>, required

If the expression evaluates to true, the request continues to be executed.

"failureHandler": Handler reference, optional

Handler to treat the request if the condition expression evaluates as false.

Provide an inline handler configuration object or the name of a handler object declared in the heap. See also Handlers.

Default: HTTP 403 Forbidden, the request stops being executed.


The following example tests whether a request contains a session username. If it does, the request continues to be executed. Otherwise, the request is dispatched to the ConditionFailedHandler failure handler.

    "name": "UsernameEnforcementFilter",
    "type": "ConditionEnforcementFilter",
    "config": {
        "condition": "${not empty (session.username)}",
        "failureHandler": "ConditionFailedHandler"