PingGateway 2024.9


Manage a repository of generic secrets, such as passwords or simple shared secrets, whose values are base64-encoded, and hard-coded in the route.

This Secret store can only manage the GenericSecret type.

The secrets provider queries the Base64EncodedSecretStore for a named secret, identified by the secret-id in the "secret-id": "string" pair. The Base64EncodedSecretStore returns the matching secret.

The secrets provider builds the secret, checking that the secret’s constraints are met, and returns a unique secret. If the secret’s constraints are not met, the secrets provider cannot build the secret and the secret query fails.

Secrets from Base64EncodedSecretStore never expire.

Use Base64EncodedSecretStore for testing or evaluation only, to store passwords locally. In production, use an alternative secret store.

Learn how PingGateway manages secrets in About secrets.


  "name": string,
  "type": "Base64EncodedSecretStore",
  "config": {
    "secrets": map or configuration expression<map>


"secrets": map or configuration expression<map>, required

Map of one or more data pairs with the format Map<String, String>, where:

  • The key is the ID of a secret used in a route

  • The value is the base64-encoded value of a secret, or a configuration expression that evaluates to the base64-encoded value of a secret

The following formats are allowed:

  "secrets": {
    "secret-id": "configuration expression<string>",
  "secrets": "configuration expression<map>"

In the following example, the property is a map whose values are provided by strings:

  "type": "Base64EncodedSecretStore",
  "config": {
    "secrets": {
      "agent.password": "d2VsY29tZQ==",
      "crypto.header.key": "Y2hhbmdlaXQ="

In the following example, the property is a map whose values are provided by a configuration token and a configuration expression. The values are substituted when the route is loaded:

  "type": "Base64EncodedSecretStore",
  "config": {
    "secrets": {
      "agent.password": "&{secret.value|aGVsbG8=}",
      "crypto.header.key": "${readProperties('')['b64.key.value']}"

Log level

To facilitate debugging secrets for the Base64EncodedSecretStore, in logback.xml add a logger defined by the fully qualified package name of the Base64EncodedSecretStore. The following line in logback.xml sets the log level to ALL:

<logger name="org.forgerock.openig.secrets.Base64EncodedSecretStore" level="ALL">


For an example that uses Base64EncodedSecretStore, refer to client-credentials.json in Client credentials grant.