
CDK deployment

After you’ve set up your environment, deploy the CDK:

  1. Set the active namespace in your local Kubernetes context to the namespace that you created when you performed the setup task.

  2. Run the forgeops install command:

    $ cd /path/to/forgeops/bin
    $ ./forgeops install --cdk --fqdn

    By default, the forgeops install --cdk command uses the evaluation-only Docker images of the platform, available from ForgeRock’s public registry However, if you have built custom images for the ForgeRock Identity Platform, the forgeops install --cdk command uses your custom images.

    If you prefer not to deploy the CDK using a single forgeops install command, see Alternative deployment techniques for more information.

    ForgeRock only offers ForgeRock software or services to legal entities that have entered into a binding license agreement with ForgeRock. When you install ForgeRock’s Docker images, you agree either that: 1) you are an authorized user of a ForgeRock customer that has entered into a license agreement with ForgeRock governing your use of the ForgeRock software; or 2) your use of the ForgeRock software is subject to the ForgeRock Subscription License Agreement located at link:

  3. In a separate terminal tab or window, run the kubectl get pods command to monitor status of the deployment. Wait until all the pods are ready.

    Your namespace should have the pods shown in this diagram.

  4. (Optional) Install a TLS certificate instead of using the default self-signed certificate in your CDK deployment. See TLS certificate for details.

Alternative deployment techniques

If you prefer not to deploy the CDK using a single forgeops install command, you can use one of these options:

  • Deploy the CDK component by component instead of with a single command. Staging the deployment can be useful if you need to troubleshoot a deployment issue.

  • The forgeops install command generates Kustomize manifests that let you recreate your CDK deployment. The manifests are written to the /path/to/forgeops/kustomize/deploy directory of your forgeops repository clone. Advanced users who prefer to work directly with Kustomize manifests that describe their CDK deployment can use the generated content in the kustomize/deploy directory as an alternative to using the forgeops command:

    • Generate an initial set of Kustomize manifests by running the forgeops install command. If you prefer to generate the manifests without installing the CDK, you can run the forgeops generate command.

    • Run kubectl apply -k commands to deploy and remove CDK components. Specify a manifest in the kustomize/deploy directory as an argument when you run kubectl apply -k commands.

    • Use GitOps to manage CDK configuration changes to the kustomize/deploy directory instead of making changes to files in the kustomize/base and kustomize/overlay directories.

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