
Google Cloud

This page describes the CDM’s legacy backup and restore implementation, which is now deprecated. We strongly recommend that you transition to the current CDM backup and restore implementation as soon as possible.

Set up a Google Cloud storage bucket for the DS data backup, and configure the forgeops artifacts with the location and credentials for the bucket:

  1. Create a Google Cloud service account with sufficient privileges to write objects in a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket. For example, Storage Object Creator.

  2. Add a key to the service account, and download the JSON file that contains the new key.

  3. Configure a multi-region GCS bucket for storing DS backups:

    1. Create a new bucket, or identify an existing bucket to use.

    2. Note the bucket’s Link for gsutil value.

    3. Grant permissions on the bucket to the service account you created in step 1.

  4. Make sure that your current Kubernetes context references the CDM cluster and the prod namespace.

  5. Create secrets that contain credentials to write to cloud storage. The DS pods will use these when performing backups.

    For my-sa-credential.json, specify the JSON file that contains the service account’s key:

    1. Create the cloud-storage-credentials-cts secret:

      $ kubectl create secret generic cloud-storage-credentials-cts \
       --from-file=GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_JSON=/path/to/my-sa-credential.json \
       --dry-run --output yaml | kubectl apply --filename -
    2. Create the cloud-storage-credentials-idrepo secret:

      $ kubectl create secret generic cloud-storage-credentials-idrepo \
       --from-file=GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_JSON=/path/to/my-sa-credential.json \
       --dry-run --output yaml | kubectl apply --filename -
  6. Set the backup location in the configuration of the running CDM instance:

    1. Get the platform-config configmap:

      $ kubectl get configmap platform-config --output yaml > my-config.yaml
    2. In the output file from the preceding step, set the DSBACKUP_DIRECTORY parameter to the Link for gsutil of the DS data backup bucket:

      For example: DSBACKUP_DIRECTORY "gs://my-backup-bucket"

    3. Apply the change to the running CDM:

      $ kubectl apply --filename my-config.yaml
  7. Apply the same change to your local Kustomization overlay file to ensure that the backup location is configured correctly the next time you deploy the CDM:

    1. Change to the /path/to/forgeops/kustomize/base/kustomizeConfig directory.

    2. Edit the kustomization.yaml file and set the DSBACKUP_DIRECTORY parameter to the location of the backup bucket.

      For example: DSBACKUP_DIRECTORY "gs://my-backup-bucket"

  8. Restart the pods that perform backups, so that DS can obtain the backup location and the credentials needed to write to the backup location:

    $ kubectl delete pods ds-cts-0
    $ kubectl delete pods ds-idrepo-0

Now you are ready to schedule backups.