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ForgeRock provides several resources to help you get started in the cloud. These resources demonstrate how to deploy the ForgeRock Identity Platform on Kubernetes. Before you proceed, review the following precautions:

  • Deploying ForgeRock software in a containerized environment requires advanced proficiency in many technologies. See Assess Your Skill Level for details.

  • If you don’t have experience with complex Kubernetes deployments, then either engage a certified ForgeRock consulting partner or deploy the platform on traditional architecture.

  • Don’t deploy ForgeRock software in Kubernetes in production until you have successfully deployed and tested the software in a non-production Kubernetes environment.

For information about obtaining support for ForgeRock Identity Platform software, see Support from ForgeRock.

ForgeRock only offers ForgeRock software or services to legal entities that have entered into a binding license agreement with ForgeRock. When you install ForgeRock’s Docker images, you agree either that: 1) you are an authorized user of a ForgeRock customer that has entered into a license agreement with ForgeRock governing your use of the ForgeRock software; or 2) your use of the ForgeRock software is subject to the ForgeRock Subscription License Agreement located at link:

Introducing the CDK and CDM

The forgeops repository and DevOps documentation address a range of our customers' typical business needs. The repository contains artifacts for two primary resources to help you with cloud deployment:

  • Cloud Developer’s Kit (CDK). The CDK is a minimal sample deployment for development purposes. Developers deploy the CDK, and then access AM’s and IDM’s admin UIs and REST APIs to configure the platform and build customized Docker images for the platform.

  • Cloud Deployment Model (CDM). The CDM is a reference implementation for ForgeRock cloud deployments. You can get a sample ForgeRock Identity Platform deployment up and running in the cloud quickly using the CDM. After deploying the CDM, you can use it to explore how you might configure your Kubernetes cluster before you deploy the platform in production.

    The CDM is a robust sample deployment for demonstration and exploration purposes only. It is not a production deployment.


Fully integrated AM, IDM, and DS installations

Randomly generated secrets

Resource requirement

Namespace in a GKE, EKS, AKS, or Minikube cluster

GKE, EKS, or AKS cluster

Can run on Minikube

Multi-zone high availability

Replicated directory services

Ingress configuration

Certificate management

Prometheus monitoring, Grafana reporting, and alert management

ForgeRock’s DevOps documentation helps you deploy the CDK and CDM:

  • CDK documentation. Tells you how to install the CDK, modify the AM and IDM configurations, and create customized Docker images for the ForgeRock Identity Platform.

  • CDM documentation. Tells you how to quickly create a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Microsoft Azure, install the ForgeRock Identity Platform, and access components in the deployment.

  • How-tos. Contains how-tos for customizing monitoring, setting alerts, backing up and restoring directory data, modifying CDM’s default security configuration, and running lightweight benchmarks to test DS, AM, and IDM performance.

  • ForgeOps 7.2 release notes. Keeps you up-to-date with the latest changes to the forgeops repository.

Try out the CDK and the CDM

Before you start planning a production deployment, deploy either the CDK or the CDM—or both. If you’re new to Kubernetes, or new to the ForgeRock Identity Platform, deploying these resources is a great way to learn. When you’ve finished deploying them, you’ll have sandboxes suitable for exploring ForgeRock cloud deployment.

Deploy the CDK

Illustrates the major tasks performed to get the ${cdk.abbr} running as a sample environment.

The CDK is a minimal sample deployment of the ForgeRock Identity Platform. If you have access to a cluster on Google Cloud, EKS, or AKS, you can deploy the CDK in a namespace on your cluster. You can also deploy the CDK locally in a standalone Minikube environment, and when you’re done, you’ll have a local Kubernetes cluster with the platform orchestrated on it.

Prerequisite technologies and skills:

More information:

Deploy the CDM

Illustrates the major tasks performed to deploy the ${cdm.abbr}.

Deploy the CDM on Google Cloud, AWS, or Microsoft Azure to quickly spin up the platform for demonstration purposes. You’ll get a feel for what it’s like to deploy the platform on a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud. When you’re done, you won’t have a production-quality deployment. But you will have a robust, reference implementation of the platform.

After you get the CDM up and running, you can use it to test deployment customizations—options that you might want to use in production, but are not part of the CDM. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Running lightweight benchmark tests

  • Making backups of CDM data, and restoring the data

  • Securing TLS with a certificate that’s dynamically obtained from Let’s Encrypt

  • Using an ingress controller other than the NGINX ingress controller

  • Resizing the cluster to meet your business requirements

  • Configuring Alert Manager to issue alerts when usage thresholds have been reached

Prerequisite technologies and skills:

More information:

Build your own service

Illustrates the major tasks performed when building a production deployment of ForgeRock Identity Platform in the cloud.

Perform the following activities to customize, deploy, and maintain a production ForgeRock Identity Platform implementation in the cloud:

Create a project plan

Illustrates the major tasks performed when planning a production deployment of ForgeRock Identity Platform in the cloud.

After you’ve spent some time exploring the CDK and CDM, you’re ready to define requirements for your production deployment. Remember, the CDM is not a production deployment. Use the CDM to explore deployment customizations, and incorporate the lessons you’ve learned as you build your own production service.

Analyze your business requirements and define how the ForgeRock Identity Platform needs to be configured to meet your needs. Identify systems to be integrated with the platform, such as identity databases and applications, and plan to perform those integrations. Assess and specify your deployment infrastructure requirements, such as backup, system monitoring, Git repository management, CI/CD, quality assurance, security, and load testing.

Be sure to do the following when you transition to a production environment:

  • Obtain and use certificates from an established certificate authority.

  • Create and test your backup plan.

  • Use a working production-ready FQDN.

  • Implement monitoring and alerting utilities.

Prerequisite technologies and skills:

More information:

Configure the platform

Illustrates the major tasks performed to configure the ForgeRock Identity Platform before deploying in production.

With your project plan defined, you’re ready to configure the ForgeRock Identity Platform to meet the plan’s requirements. Install the CDK on your developers' computers. Configure AM and IDM. If needed, include integrations with external applications in the configuration. Iteratively unit test your configuration as you modify it. Build customized Docker images that contain the configuration.

Prerequisite technologies and skills:

More information:

Configure your cluster

Illustrates the major tasks performed to configure the cluster before deploying in production.

With your project plan defined, you’re ready to configure a Kubernetes cluster that meets the requirements defined in the plan. Install the platform using the customized Docker images developed in Configure the Platform. Provision the ForgeRock identity repository with users, groups, and other identity data. Load test your deployment, and then size your cluster to meet service level agreements. Perform integration tests. Harden your deployment. Set up CI/CD for your deployment. Create monitoring alerts so that your site reliability engineers are notified when the system reaches thresholds that affect your SLAs. Implement database backup and test database restore. Simulate failures while under load to make sure your deployment can handle them.

Prerequisite technologies and skills:

More information:

Stay up and running

Illustrates the major tasks performed to keep a ForgeRock Identity Platform deployment up and running in production.

By now, you’ve configured the platform, configured a Kubernetes cluster, and deployed the platform with your customized configuration. Run your ForgeRock Identity Platform deployment in your cluster, continually monitoring it for performance and reliability. Take backups as needed.

Prerequisite technologies and skills:

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