Class DeleteRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:
ProtocolOp, Request, ChangeRecord

public final class DeleteRequest extends Object implements Request, ChangeRecord
The Delete operation allows a client to request the removal of an entry from the Directory.

Only leaf entries (those with no subordinate entries) can be deleted with this operation. However, addition of the SubtreeDeleteControl permits whole sub-trees to be deleted using a single Delete request.

 Connection connection = ...;
 String baseDN = ...;

 DeleteRequest request =
  • Method Details

    • accept

      public <R, P, E extends Exception> R accept(RequestVisitor<R,P,E> v, P p) throws E
      Description copied from interface: Request
      Applies a RequestVisitor to this Request.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface Request
      Type Parameters:
      R - The return type of the visitor's methods.
      P - The type of the additional parameters to the visitor's methods.
      E - The type of the exception thrown by the visitor method if it fails, or NeverThrowsException if the visitor cannot fail.
      v - The request visitor.
      p - Optional additional visitor parameter.
      A result as specified by the visitor.
      E - If the visitor failed.
    • getName

      public Dn getName()
      Returns the distinguished name of the entry to be deleted. The server shall not dereference any aliases in locating the entry to be deleted.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface ChangeRecord
      The distinguished name of the entry.
    • setName

      public DeleteRequest setName(Dn dn)
      Sets the distinguished name of the entry to be deleted. The server shall not dereference any aliases in locating the entry to be deleted.
      Specified by:
      setName in interface ChangeRecord
      dn - The distinguished name of the entry to be deleted.
      This delete request.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this delete request does not permit the distinguished name to be set.
      NullPointerException - If dn was null.
    • setName

      public DeleteRequest setName(String dn)
      Sets the distinguished name of the entry to be deleted. The server shall not dereference any aliases in locating the entry to be deleted.
      Specified by:
      setName in interface ChangeRecord
      dn - The distinguished name of the entry to be deleted.
      This delete request.
      LocalizedIllegalArgumentException - If dn could not be decoded using the default schema.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this delete request does not permit the distinguished name to be set.
      NullPointerException - If dn was null.
    • getType

      public Request.RequestType getType()
      Description copied from interface: Request
      Returns the type of this request to avoid expensive instanceof checks.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface Request
      the type of this request
    • toString

      public String toString()
    • addControl

      public final DeleteRequest addControl(Control control)
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolOp
      Adds the provided control to this protocol-op.
      Specified by:
      addControl in interface ProtocolOp
      control - The control to be added to this protocol-op.
      This protocol-op.
    • addControls

      public final DeleteRequest addControls(Iterable<? extends Control> controls)
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolOp
      Adds the provided controls to this protocol-op.
      Specified by:
      addControls in interface ProtocolOp
      controls - The controls to be added to this protocol-op.
      This protocol-op.
    • removeControls

      public final DeleteRequest removeControls(String oid)
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolOp
      Removes all the controls having the specified OID.
      Specified by:
      removeControls in interface ProtocolOp
      oid - The numeric OID of the protocol-op control to remove.
      This protocol-op.
    • containsControl

      public final boolean containsControl(String oid)
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolOp
      Returns true if this protocol-op contains the specified control.
      Specified by:
      containsControl in interface ProtocolOp
      oid - The numeric OID of the protocol-op control.
      true if this protocol-op contains the specified control.
    • getControl

      public final <C extends Control> C getControl(ControlDecoder<C> decoder, DecodeOptions options) throws DecodeException
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolOp
      Decodes and returns the first control in this protocol-op having an OID corresponding to the provided control decoder.
      Specified by:
      getControl in interface ProtocolOp
      Type Parameters:
      C - The type of control to be decoded and returned.
      decoder - The control decoder.
      options - The set of decode options which should be used when decoding the control.
      The decoded control, or null if the control is not included with this protocol-op.
      DecodeException - If the control could not be decoded because it was malformed in some way (e.g. the control value was missing, or its content could not be decoded).
    • getControls

      public final List<Control> getControls()
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolOp
      Returns a List containing the controls included with this protocol-op. The returned List may be modified if permitted by this protocol-op.
      Specified by:
      getControls in interface ProtocolOp
      A List containing the controls.