PingAM release notes


The functionality listed here is deprecated, and likely to be removed in a future release.

Deprecated since AM 7.5

Secret label mappings

The following secret label mappings are deprecated in this release:



Learn more about changes to secret label mappings in Support for storing secrets in secret stores.

Configuration replaced by secret labels
Feature Deprecated field

CAPTCHA Secret Key

Persistent Cookie Encryption Certificate Alias

Organization Authentication Signing Secret

Key Store Password

Key-Pair Alias

Private Key Password

Mail Server Authentication Password

Replay Password Key (com.sun.identity.agents.config.replaypasswd.key)

HMAC Signing Key

SNS Access Key Secret

Basic Authentication settings

Encryption Symmetric AES Key

Signing HMAC Shared Secret

Client Secret

Changes to org.forgerock.openam.auth.node.api.Action

The following org.forgerock.openam.auth.node.api.Action methods are deprecated in this release:

  • public ActionBuilder withUniversalId(String universalId)

  • public ActionBuilder withUniversalId(Optional<String> universalId)

Use the new public ActionBuilder withIdentifiedIdentity(String username, IdType identityType) and public ActionBuilder withIdentifiedIdentity(AMIdentity identity) methods instead.

The Optional <String> universalId field is also deprecated, and is replaced by Optional<IdentifiedIdentity> identifiedIdentity.

Legacy Social Provider node

The Legacy Social Provider Handler node has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future release. This node is replaced by a new Social Provider Handler node that resolves issues related to reentry cookies. The legacy node remains supported in existing journeys. If you’re creating new journeys, use the new Social Provider Handler node instead.

Deprecated since AM 7.4

No features or functionality were deprecated in this release.

Deprecated since AM 7.3

Changes to SAML v2.0 classes

The following classes are deprecated and will be removed in a future release:

Deprecated Replacement









The following methods are deprecated and will be removed in a future release:

  • default void initialize(String, String)

    Use initialize(Map) instead.

  • public IDPAuthnContextInfo getIDPAuthnContextInfo(AuthnRequest, String, String) throws SAML2Exception

    Use getIDPAuthnContextInfo(AuthnRequest, String, String, String) instead.

SNMP monitoring

Support for SNMP monitoring is deprecated in this release.

AM provides better options for monitoring servers, including support for Prometheus, Graphite, and JMX. For details, refer to Monitor AM instances.

Deprecated since AM 7.2

Legacy audit logging service

The legacy audit logging service is deprecated. Support for its use will be removed in a future AM release. Use the Common REST-based audit logging service instead.

org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim class

The org.forgerock.openidconnect.Claim class has been deprecated. Support for its use will be removed in a future AM release. Its functionality is replaced by the org.forgerock.oauth.clients.oidc.Claim class, in the OpenAM commons library.

For more information about the new class, refer to Changes to the OIDC claim classes.

user_id field in the OAuth 2.0 introspection response

The user_id field, which is part of the JSON response returned by the /oauth2/introspect endpoint, is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. It is replaced by the username field, in compliance with RFC 7662.

Legacy CAPTCHA node

The CAPTCHA node has been rewritten. The previous version of the node has been deprecated, and is now shown as Legacy CAPTCHA in the UI. For information on the new node, refer to CAPTCHA node.

org.forgerock.oauth2.core.ScopeValidator interface

The AM API now includes new interfaces, each with a single responsibility. When building plugins, use these interfaces from the org.forgerock.oauth2.core.plugins package instead:

For examples, refer to Customize OAuth 2.0 with plugins.

Command-line tools: ssoadm, ampassword, configurator.jar, and upgrade.jar

The ssoadm command and the configurator.jar, upgrade.jar, and ampassword tools remain deprecated. They will be removed in a future release of AM.

Access Token Enricher plugin for OAuth2 provider

The Access Token Enricher plugin interface is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of AM. The functionality of the access token enricher is superseded by the new AccessTokenModifier extension point.

JAXRPC endpoint URL

The JAXRPC endpoint URL, used by the remote IDM/SMS APIs, is deprecated and will be removed in a future AM release.

SAML2IdentityProviderAdapter method

The following method is deprecated and will be removed in a future AM release: preSendFailureResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)

If you have a custom implementation of the SAML2IdentityProviderAdapter interface, you should now plan to replace the deprecated method with the new implementation: preSendFailureResponse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse,java.lang.String,java.lang.String).

Deprecated since AM 7.1

Elasticsearch and Splunk audit handlers

AM 7.1 supports both file-based audit handlers and logging to standard output, which Elasticsearch and Splunk can consume.

For information, refer to Implement the audit logging service.

isAlive JSP page

Using the isAlive.jsp to determine if an instance is alive is deprecated.

AM 7.1 includes new endpoints to determine if an instance is alive, and ready to process requests.

For information, refer to Monitor AM instances.

Existing getIDPAuthnContextInfo signature

The existing signature for the getIDPAuthnContextInfo method of the IDPAuthnContextMapper interface is deprecated.

AM 7.1 includes a new signature for the getIDPAuthnContextInfo method, which includes an additional parameter for the entity ID of the service provider (SP).

The deprecated method still works in AM 7.1, but you should update any code that uses it to the new four-parameter signature. The deprecated three-parameter signature will be removed in a future release.
Social authentication nodes

The following authentication nodes have been deprecated in favor of the Social Provider Handler node:

As part of this change, the Social Authentication Implementations Service is also deprecated. For information about using the Social provider node, refer to social registration.

Direct access to the transient, secure, and shared state of authentication trees

Direct access to authentication trees' transient, secure, and shared states using the TreeContext class has been deprecated.

As part of this change:

  • Use of the sharedState and the transientState bindings for reading and updating state with the Scripted Decision Node API are deprecated.

    Use the nodeState binding instead.

  • Use of the getState method from the TreeContext class, used to read state in authentication nodes, is deprecated.

    Use the getStateFor method instead.

For more information, refer to Store values in a tree’s node states and Access shared state data.

Deprecated since AM 7.0

SOAP STS service

This service is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Installing instances of this service in AM 7.0.1 is not supported. However, upgrading existing instances is.

Embedded DS instance in production

You can use the embedded DS instance for evaluation and demonstration purposes only.

The embedded DS server will be removed in a future release. If you are still using the embedded DS server, change to an external DS server instead.

Authentication chains and modules

You should migrate your environments to Intelligent Access using authentication trees and nodes.

Unused authentication methods in hosted IDP authentication context mapping

Support for the following authentication methods in the authentication context table, when configuring a hosted identity provider, is deprecated:

  • User

  • Role

  • Resource URL

The other authentication methods are not deprecated, and can be used to achieve the same results as the deprecated options.

For information about configuring SAML v2.0 authentication context mappings, refer to authentication context.

Deprecated since AM 6.5

getIDPAuthnContextInfo signature

The signature for the getIDPAuthnContextInfo method of the IDPAuthnContextMapper interface is deprecated.

AM 6.5.4 included a new signature for the getIDPAuthnContextInfo method, with an additional parameter for the entity ID of the service provider (SP).

The deprecated three-parameter signature still works in AM 6.5.4, but you should update any code that uses it to the new four-parameter signature.

user_id member in the OAuth 2.0 introspection response

The user_id member, returned by the /oauth2/introspect endpoint, is deprecated.

Oracle WebLogic Server

Support for installing AM in an Oracle WebLogic Server is deprecated.

Windows NT authentication module

Support for the Windows NT authentication module is deprecated.

SAML 1.0

Support for SAML 1.0 is deprecated.

  • ssoadm, ampassword, configurator.jar and upgrade.jar tools These tools are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.