There are two types of ABS licenses:

Trial license
The trial license is valid for 30 days. At the end of the trial period, ABS stops processing and shuts down.
Subscription license
The subscription license is based on the subscription period.

You should configure your email before configuring the ABS license. ABS sends an email notification to the configured email ID when the license has expired.

For more information, contact the PingIntelligence for APIssales team.


If the subscription license has expired, ABS continues to run until a restart. ABS needs a valid license file to start.

Checking the current transaction count

Use the Admin REST API to view the current transaction count against your subscribed transaction limit. Following snippet of the Admin REST API shows the license information:

    "company": "ping identity",
    "name": "api_admin",
    "description": "This report contains status information on all APIs, ABS clusters, and ASE logs",
    "license_info": {
        "tier": "Subscription",
        "expiry": "Wed Jan 15 00:00:00 UTC 2020",
        "max_transactions_per_month": 1000000000,
        "current_month_transactions": 98723545,
        "max_transactions_exceeded": false,
        "expired": false