Make sure that ABS is stopped before changing the JKS password.

Complete the following steps to change the default JKS passwords.
Important: The key store and key password should be the same.
  1. To change the key store password, enter the following command to change the key store password:
    # keytool -storepasswd -keystore config/ssl/abs.jks
    Enter keystore password:  abs123
    New keystore password: newjkspassword
    Re-enter new keystore password: newjkspassword

    The default key store password is abs123.

  2. To change the key password, enter the following command to change the key password. The default key password is abs123.
    # keytool -keypasswd -alias pingidentity -keypass abs123 -new newjkspassword -keystore config/ssl/abs.jks
    Enter keystore password: newjkspassword

    The default key password is abs123.

Start ABS after you have changed the default passwords.