AM 7.4.1

Push Wait node

Pauses the authentication for the specified number of seconds during the processing of a push authentication request.

When push authentication involves a number selection challenge, where the push type of the Push Sender node is set to Display Challenge Code, the node displays the code challenge for the user to complete. Connect this node to a Push Result Verifier node to check the result of the code challenge.

Both nodes' waiting times and the messages are configurable.

The message displayed on the exit button can be configured using the Exit Message property.

To provide localized versions of the waiting, push challenge, and exit messages in multiple languages, configure the message properties to specify the locale in the KEY field (for example, en-US) and the message in the VALUE field. The locale selected for display is based on the user’s locale settings in their browser.

Messages provided in the node override the defaults provided by AM.

For information about customizing and translating the default messages, refer to Internationalization.


Product Compatible?

ForgeRock Identity Cloud

ForgeRock Access Management (self-managed)

ForgeRock Identity Platform (self-managed)


The push-related nodes integrate with the ForgeRock Authenticator app for Android and iOS.

Third-party authenticator apps are not compatible with ForgeRock’s push notification functionality.


  • Done

  • Exit

Evaluation continues along the Done outcome path after the wait time has passed. Evaluation continues along the Exit outcome path if the user clicks the exit button.


Property Usage

Seconds To Wait

Specify the number of seconds to pause authentication.

Default: 5

Waiting Message

Customize the message to display to the user. To include the remaining seconds in the message, use the {{time}} variable.

Click Add to enter a KEY and VALUE for a localized message and + to save. Repeat for each supported language.

Default: Waiting for response…​

Push Challenge Message

Customize the message containing the challenge code. To include the number challenge, use the {{challenge}} variable.

Click Add to enter a KEY and VALUE for a localized message and + to save. Repeat for each supported language.

Default: Tap the number [{{challenge}}] on the Push Notification to continue.

Exit Message

Customize the message to display to the user when they choose to exit the node before the wait period has elapsed. The message is displayed as a link.

Click Add to enter a KEY and VALUE for a localized message and + to save. Repeat for each supported language.

Default: Cancel


Refer to the Push authentication example journey for how to use the Push Wait node in a journey handling push devices.