
Certificate chains

A certificate chain is an ordered list of one or more certificates. In such a chain, each subsequent certificate is the issuer of the previous certificate.

During TLS negotiation, the server presents a certificate chain to the client, which determines whether to trust the chain and continue with the negotiation. The client can also present its own certificate chain to the server.

If a certificate is self-signed, its chain contains only that single certificate. If a certificate is signed by a self-signed certificate authority (CA) certificate, such as a root CA, the chain contains two certificates: the server certificate and the CA certificate that follows it. If a single intermediate CA (a CA certificate that is signed by a root CA) is present, the chain contains the server certificate, followed by the intermediate CA, and then the root CA.

Intermediate certificate authorities are useful for security purposes, especially in commercial authorities. If a client trusts a root CA certificate, it is likely to trust anything with that root CA certificate at the base of its chain. Consequently, the root CA certificate must be kept secure.

If the root CA certificate is compromised, any certificate that is directly or indirectly signed by it can no longer be trusted.

With intermediate CA certificates, the root certificate can be kept offline in secure storage and used only when a new intermediate CA certificate must be signed. The intermediate CA certificates can be used to sign end-entity certificates, but must be protected to avoid compromising any of the certificates. A compromised certificate must be revoked along with all of the certificates that it signed. In such a scenario, the root CA can be used to sign a new certificate.

The certificate chain that the server presents to the client, or that the client presents to the server, during TLS negotiation does not always need to be the complete chain. If the root CA at the end of the chain is widely trusted, the server can assume that the client already has that root CA in its default set of trusted certificates. The server can leave that root CA off the chain with the assumption that the client will retrieve it from its default trust store. While the same assumption could theoretically be true for intermediate CA certificates, only the root CA certificate is commonly omitted. When a client receives an incomplete chain, the client looks in its default trust store to determine whether the trust store contains the issuer certificate, which it can identify by using properties like the issuer distinguished name (DN) or an authority key identifier extension.

The certificate at the head of a certificate chain, which appears as the first one in the list, is often called the end-entity certificate. If this certificate appears at the head of the chain that a server presents during TLS negotiation, it is referred to as the server certificate. If the certificate appears at the head of a chain that a client presents, it is referred to as a client certificate. The certificate at the end of a complete chain must be a root CA certificate. In the case of a self-signed certificate, the chain contains only a single certificate that serves both roles.