Identity Gateway 2024.3


The following sections describe monitoring endpoints exposed by IG, and the metrics available at the endpoints.

For information about how to set up and maintain monitoring, refer to Monitor services.

Vert.x Metrics

Vert.x metrics for HTTP clients, TCP clients, and servers are available by default at the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint and Common REST Monitoring Endpoint (deprecated) endpoints. Vert.x metrics provide low-level information about requests and responses, such as the number of bytes, duration, the number of concurrent requests. The available metrics are based on those described in Vert.x core tools metrics.

For more information about Vert.x and IG, refer to the vertx object in AdminHttpApplication (admin.json), and Monitoring Vert.x Metrics.

Monitoring types

This section describes the data types used in monitoring:


Cumulative metric for a numerical value that only increases.


Metric for a numerical value that can increase or decrease.


Metric that samples observations, providing a count of observations, sum total of observed amounts, average rate of events, and moving average rates across a sliding time window.

The Prometheus view does not provide time-based statistics, as rates can be calculated from the time-series data. Instead, the Prometheus view includes summary metrics whose names have the following suffixes or labels:

  • _count: number of events recorded

  • _total: sum of the amounts of events recorded

  • {quantile="0.5"}: 50% at or below this value

  • {quantile="0.75"}: 75% at or below this value

  • {quantile="0.95"}: 95% at or below this value

  • {quantile="0.98"}: 98% at or below this value

  • {quantile="0.99"}: 99% at or below this value

  • {quantile="0.999"}: 99.9% at or below this value


Metric combining time-series summary statistics.

Common REST views show summaries as JSON objects. JSON summaries have the following fields:

 "count": number,           // events recorded for this metric
 "max": number,             // maximum duration recorded
 "mean": number,            // total/count, or 0 if count is 0
 "min": number,             // minimum duration recorded for this metric
 "mean_rate": number,       // average rate
 "p50": number,             // 50% at or below this value
 "p75": number,             // 75% at or below this value
 "p95": number,             // 95% at or below this value
 "p98": number,             // 98% at or below this value
 "p99": number,             // 99% at or below this value
 "p999": number,            // 99.9% at or below this value
 "stddev": number,          // standard deviation of recorded durations
 "m15_rate": number,        // fifteen-minute average rate
 "m5_rate": number,         // five-minute average rate
 "m1_rate": number,         // one-minute average rate
 "duration_units": string,  // time unit used in durations
 "rate_units": string,      // event count unit and time unit used in rate
 "total": number            // sum of the durations of events recorded

Monitoring Endpoints

This section describes the monitoring endpoints exposed in IG.

Prometheus Scrape Endpoint

All ForgeRock products automatically expose a monitoring endpoint where Prometheus can scrape metrics, in a standard Prometheus format. For information about configuring Prometheus to scrape metrics, refer to the Prometheus website.

When IG is set up as described in the documentation, the endpoint is

For information about available metrics, refer to:

For an example that queries the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint, refer to Monitor the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint.

Common REST Monitoring Endpoint (deprecated)

ForgeRock products expose a monitoring endpoint where metrics are exposed as a JSON format monitoring resource.

When IG is set up as described in the documentation, the endpoint is

For information about available metrics, refer to:

For an example that queries the Common REST Monitoring Endpoint, refer to Monitor the Common REST Monitoring Endpoint.