Identity Gateway 2024.3

Requests and responses


An HTTP request message. Access the content of the request by using expressions.


"method": java.lang.String

The HTTP method; for example, GET.


The fully-qualified URI of the resource being accessed; for example,

"version": java.lang.String

The protocol version used for the request; for example, HTTP/2.

"headers": org.forgerock.http.protocol.Headers

One or more headers in the request, with the format header_name: [ header_value, …​ ]. The following example accesses the first value of the request header UserId:

"cookies": org.forgerock.http.protocol.RequestCookies

Incoming request cookies, with the format cookie_name: [ cookie_value, …​ ]. The following example accesses the first value of the request cookie my-jwt:

"entity": Entity

The message body. The following example accesses the subject token from the request entity:

"queryParams": Form

Returns a copy of the query parameters decoded as a form. Modifications to the returned form are not reflected in the request.


An HTTP response message. Access the content of the response by using expressions.


"cause": java.lang.Exception

The cause of an error if the status code is in the range 4xx-5xx. Possibly null.

"status": Status

The response status.

"version": java.lang.String

The protocol version used the response; for example, HTTP/2.

"headers": org.forgerock.http.protocol.Headers

One or more headers in the response. The following example accesses the first value of the response header Content-Type:

"trailers": org.forgerock.http.protocol.Headers

One or more trailers in the response. The following example accesses the first value of the response trailer Content-Length:

"entity": Entity

The message entity body. The following example accesses the user ID from the response:



An HTTP response status.


"code": integer

Three-digit integer reflecting the HTTP status code.

"family": enumeration

Family Enum value representing the class of response that corresponds to the code:


Status code reflects a provisional, informational response: 1xx.


The server received, understood, accepted and processed the request successfully. Status code: 2xx.


Status code indicates that the client must take additional action to complete the request: 3xx.


Status code reflects a client error: 4xx.


Status code indicates a server-side error: 5xx.


Status code does not belong to one of the known families: 600+.

"reasonPhrase": string

The human-readable reason-phrase corresponding to the status code.

"isClientError": boolean

True if Family.CLIENT_ERROR.

"isInformational": boolean


"isRedirection": boolean

True if Family.REDIRECTION.

"isServerError": boolean

True if Family.SERVER_ERROR.

"isSuccessful": boolean

True if Family.SUCCESSFUL.


Represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) reference.


"scheme": string

The scheme component of the URI, or null if the scheme is undefined.

"authority": string

The decoded authority component of the URI, or null if the authority is undefined.

Use "rawAuthority" to access the raw (encoded) component.

"userInfo": string

The decoded user-information component of the URI, or null if the user information is undefined.

Use "rawUserInfo" to access the raw (encoded) component.

"host": string

The host component of the URI, or null if the host is undefined.

"port": number

The port component of the URI, or null if the port is undefined.

"path": string

The decoded path component of the URI, or null if the path is undefined.

Use "rawPath" to access the raw (encoded) component.

"query": string

The decoded query component of the URI, or null if the query is undefined.

The query key and value is decoded. However, because a query value can be encoded more than once in a redirect chain, even though it is decoded it can contain unsafe ASCII characters.

Use "rawQuery" to access the raw (encoded) component.

"fragment": string

The decoded fragment component of the URI, or null if the fragment is undefined.

Use "rawFragment" to access the raw (encoded) component.