Standard fields
Field Value Description

PingOne Environment

<PingOne Connection>

Your PingOne Environment. Create connections in System > External Systems > PingOne Connections.

This field is blank by default.

PingOne Risk Policy

<Default Risk Policy>

The risk policy used by PingOne for the risk evaluation. Overrides the environment and global default policy selections. This list is populated when you select a PingOne Environment.

Advanced fields
Field Value Description

Include Device Profile

When enabled, PingFederate will include a device profile in the risk evaluation.

This option is selected by default.

Device Profiling Method

  • Captured by this adapter (default)
  • Captured by a previous adapter

When Include Device Profile is enabled, this setting determines whether the adapter will collect the device profile itself, or look for a device profile provided by another adapter that appears earlier in the authentication flow.

If you manually added the device profiling script to an authentication page, select Captured by a previous adapter. Otherwise, select Captured by this adapter.

Device Profiling Timeout



The amount of time in milliseconds that PingFederate waits for the device profiling script to collect device details. Applies only if Device Profiling Method is Captured by this adapter.

Cookie Name Prefix


The name prefix of the cookie(s) that contains the device profile captured by a previous adapter. Applies only if Device Profiling Method is Captured by a previous adapter.

The default value is pingone.risk.device.profile.

Failure Mode

  • Continue with fallback policy decision
  • Fail (default)
When PingOne Risk is unavailable or an error occurs, this setting determines whether the user’s sign-on attempt should fail or continue with a pre-determined policy decision.

Fallback Policy Decision Value

MEDIUM (default)

The risk result (for example, MEDIUM, HIGH, or unknown) to use in the authentication policy when the PingOne Risk service is unavailable or an error occurs, and Failure Mode is set to Continue with fallback policy decision.

Risk Policy Override

The attribute that contains the Risk policy ID to use when doing evaluations.

This field is blank by default.

Device Profiling Script

  • Fingerprint JS
  • Signals SDK (default)

The script used to gather the client device profile.

API Request Timeout


The amount of time in milliseconds that PingFederate allows when establishing a connection with PingOne Risk or waiting for a response to a request. A value of 0 disables the timeout.

The default value is 2000.

Proxy Settings

Defines proxy settings for outbound HTTP requests.

The default value is System Defaults.

Custom Proxy Host

The proxy server hostname to use when Proxy Settings is set to Custom.

This field is blank by default.

Custom Proxy Port

The proxy server port to use when Proxy Settings is set to Custom.

This field is blank by default.