1. In the PingFederate administrative console, open your existing SP connection.
    • For PingFederate 10.1 or later: go to Applications > Integration > SP Connections and select your connection.
    • For PingFederate 10.0 or earlier: go to Identity Provider > SP Connections and select your connection.
  2. Note the attribute mappings for your existing SP connection. For help, see Mapping attributes in the PingFederate documentation.
  3. Delete your existing SP connection.
    • For PingFederate 10.1 or later:
      1. Go to Applications > Integration > SP Connections.
      2. For your existing connection, click Select action, and then click Delete. Click Confirm.
    • For PingFederate 10.0 or earlier:
      1. Go to Identity Provider > SP Connections > Manage All.
      2. For your existing connection, click Select action, and then click Delete. Click Save.
  4. Complete the steps in Deploying the provisioning connector.
  5. Complete the steps in Creating a provisioning connection.
    • On the Outbound Provisioning > Manage Channels > Channel > Attribute Mapping tab, configure the attribute mappings based on your notes.