
Complete the following steps to download and install the PingIntelligence policy tool:
  1. Download the PingIntelligence policy tool to the /opt directory.
  2. Complete the following steps to untar the policy tool:
    1. At the command prompt, type the following command to untar the policy tool file:
      tar –zxvf <filename>
      For example:
      tar –zxvf pi-apigee-4.1.tar.gz
    2. To verify that the tool successfully installed, type the ls command at the command prompt. This should list the pingidentity directory and the build .tgz file.
The following table lists the directories:
Directory Description
bin Contains the following scripts:
  • The script to deploy the PingIntelligence policy.
  • The script to undeploy the PingIntelligence policy.
  • Reports the deployment status and configured Apigee credentials.
certs Contains the certificate ase.pem file that is shipped by default with ASE. Make sure that that the certificate applied for ASE data port matches with the certificate present in the ase.pem certificate file for self-signed certificates. For more information, see Prerequisites to deploying PingIntelligence shared flow.
lib Jar files and various dependencies. Do not edit the contents of this directory.
policy Contains the shared flows:
config Contains the file.
logs Contains the log and status files.

To configure the PingIntelligence policy tool after installation, edit the file and set the necessary properties. For more information, see Configure Apigee properties file.