
Cluster access for multiple AWS users

It’s common for team members to share the use of a cluster. For team members to share a cluster, the cluster owner must grant access to each user:

  1. Get the ARNs and names of users who need access to your cluster.

  2. Set the Kubernetes context to your Amazon EKS cluster.

  3. Edit the authorization configuration map for the cluster using the kubectl edit command:

    $ kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth
  4. Under the mapRoles section, insert the mapUser section. An example is shown here with the following parameters:

    • The user ARN is arn:aws:iam::012345678901:user/new.user.

    • The user name registered in AWS is new.user.

      …​ mapUsers: |
          - userarn: arn:aws:iam::012345678901:user/new.user
            username: new.user
              - system:masters
  5. For each additional user, insert the - userarn: entry in the mapUsers: section:

    …​ mapUsers: |
        - userarn: arn:aws:iam::012345678901:user/new.user
          username: new.user
            - system:masters
        - userarn: arn:aws:iam::901234567890:user/second.user
          username: second.user
            - system:masters
  6. Save the configuration map.