Identity Gateway 2024.3


An audit event handler that responds to events by logging messages to the UNIX system log as governed by RFC 5424, The Syslog Protocol.

Declare the configuration in an audit service, as described in AuditService.


  "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.syslog.SyslogAuditEventHandler",
  "config": {
    "name": configuration expression<string>,
    "topics": [ configuration expression<string>, ... ],
    "protocol": configuration expression<string>,
    "host": configuration expression<string>,
    "port": configuration expression<number>,
    "connectTimeout": configuration expression<number>,
    "facility": configuration expression<string>,
    "buffering": {
        "enabled": configuration expression<boolean>,
        "maxSize": configuration expression<number>
    "severityFieldMappings": [
        "topic": configuration expression<string>,
        "field": configuration expression<string>,
        "valueMappings": {
          "field-value": object

The values in this configuration object can use expressions as long as they resolve to the correct types for each field. For details about expressions, refer to Expressions.


"name": configuration expression<string>, required

The name of the event handler.

"topics": array of configuration expression<strings>, required

One or more topics that this event handler intercepts. IG can record the following audit event topics:

  • access: Log access audit events. Access audit events occur at the system boundary, and include the arrival of the initial request and departure of the final response.

    To record access audit events, configure AuditService inline in a route, or in the heap.

  • customTopic: Log custom audit events. To create a topic for a custom audit event, include a JSON schema for the topic in your IG configuration.

    To record custom audit events, configure AuditService in the heap, and refer to it from the route or subroutes. For an example of how to set up custom audit events, refer to Record custom audit events.

"protocol": configuration expression<string>, required

The transport protocol used to send event messages to the Syslog daemon.

Set this to TCP for Transmission Control Protocol, or to UDP for User Datagram Protocol.

"host": configuration expression<string>, required

The hostname of the Syslog daemon to which to send event messages. The hostname must resolve to an IP address.

"port": configuration expression<number>, required

The port of the Syslog daemon to which to send event messages.

The value must be between 0 and 65535.

"connectTimeout": configuration expression<number>, required when using TCP

The number of milliseconds to wait for a connection before timing out.

"facility": configuration expression<enumeration>, required

The Syslog facility to use for event messages. Set to one of the following values:

  • kern: Kernel messages

  • user: User-level messages

  • mail: Mail system

  • daemon: System daemons

  • auth: Security/authorization messages

  • syslog: Messages generated internally by syslogd

  • lpr: Line printer subsystem

  • news: Network news subsystem

  • uucp: UUCP subsystem

  • cron: Clock daemon

  • authpriv: Security/authorization messages

  • ftp: FTP daemon

  • ntp: NTP subsystem

  • logaudit: Log audit

  • logalert: Log alert

  • clockd: Clock daemon

  • local0: Local use 0

  • local1: Local use 1

  • local2: Local use 2

  • local3: Local use 3

  • local4: Local use 4

  • local5: Local use 5

  • local6: Local use 6

  • local7: Local use 7

"buffering": object, optional

Buffering settings for writing to the system log facility. The default is for messages to be written to the log for each event.

"enabled": configuration expression<boolean>, optional

Whether log buffering is enabled.

Default: false.

"maxSize": configuration expression<number>, optional

The maximum number of buffered event messages.

Default: 5000.

"severityFieldMappings": object, optional

Severity field mappings set the correspondence between audit event fields and Syslog severity values.

The severity field mappings object has the following fields:

"topic": configuration expression<string>, required

The audit event topic to which the mapping applies.

Set this to a value configured in topics.

"field": configuration expression<string>, required

The audit event field to which the mapping applies.

Audit event fields use JSON pointer notation, and are taken from the JSON schema for the audit event content.

"valueMappings": object, required

The map of audit event values to Syslog severities, where both the keys and the values are strings.

Syslog severities are one of the following values:

  • emergency: System is unusable.

  • alert: Action must be taken immediately.

  • critical: Critical conditions.

  • error: Error conditions.

  • warning: Warning conditions.

  • notice: Normal but significant condition.

  • informational: Informational messages.

  • debug: Debug-level messages.


The following example configures a Syslog audit event handler that writes to the system log daemon on, port 6514 over TCP with a timeout of 30 seconds. The facility is the first one for local use, and response status is mapped to Syslog informational messages:

  "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.syslog.SyslogAuditEventHandler",
  "config": {
    "name": "MySyslogAuditEventHandler",
    "topics": ["access"],
    "protocol": "TCP",
    "host": "",
    "port": 6514,
    "connectTimeout": 30000,
    "facility": "local0",
    "severityFieldMappings": [
        "topic": "access",
        "field": "response/status",
        "valueMappings": {