Uses of Package

Packages that use org.forgerock.json
This package contains all classes pertaining to AM's IoT functionality.
Extensions to Jackson's JSON Schema to support the API Descriptor extensions to standard JSON Schema.
ForgeRock API Descriptor models.
This package defines the common authorization API interfaces and classes used by both the CREST API and CHF HTTP API.
This package defines the authentication framework classes for the authentication of messages via authentication contexts and modules.
This package contains the common config property resolvers.
Contains utility classes for commons config.
This package provides APIs for OAuth 2.0 services implementations.
Provides routing functionality for HTTP requests.
Provides interfaces for managing and interacting with HTTP Sessions.
Provides an API for the traversal and manipulation of JSON object model structures in Java.
Core library for JSON cryptographic operations.
Simple JSON cryptographic implementation.
Classes and interfaces for creating and manipulating JWKs.
Classes and interfaces for JWTs.
JWT implementation(s) of TokenHandler.
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, request handlers, resources, and their exceptions.
Commons OAuth Framework API.
Forgerock Apple Client implementation.
Forgerock Facebook Client Implementation.
OAuth 2.0 ForgeRock Client Implementation.
OpenID Connect ForgeRock Client Implementation.
Defines the core classes to implement OAuth2 for OpenAM.
This package contains the API for writing authentication nodes.
Classes that provide AM's features as an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server.
Functionality for issuing access and refresh token as Macaroons.
Classes pertaining to the predicates used by the Push Service's Message Dispatcher.
Contains the classes which encapsulate the user-provided configuration state necessary to publish a STS instance.
Contains classes and interface definitions common to all token provider classes.
Classes related to producing OpenIdConnect tokens
This package contains classes related to creating the json payloads corresponding to REST-STS and TokenGenerationService invocations.
Classes that support AM's UMA AS functionality.
Extension points for integrating with UMA functionality.
Classes required for the AM OAuth2 OIDC implementation.
Secrets backend that reads secrets from a remote Hashicorp Vault server.
This package contains the core implementation for the anonymous process service.
This package contains crypto related implementations for self-service.
This package contains core utility methods and classes.
This package contains captcha stage implementation.
This package contains a common email stage implementation.
This package contains a common user kba stage implementation.
This package contains a parameter passing stage implementation.
This package contains a common user registration stage implementation.
This package contains a common reset password stage implementation.
This package contains a common user related stage implementation.
This package contains the classes classes and interfaces used in the services' implementations.
This package contains the Context interface and various common protocol independent implementations.
Provides token handler definition.
Provides a mechanism for implementing query filters.