
Configuring a group mapping with attribute mappings

About this task

You can use an attribute mapping with a DN map to synchronize groups across server domains. In this task, a DN attribute mapping is used so that the target attribute receives its values directly from a source attribute that stores DN values with the added benefit of using a DN map for translating the group DNs. For more information on available attribute mappings, see About attribute mappings.


  1. Use dsconfig to configure a DN map between groups.


    This example involves mapping an Active Directory group to a PingDirectory group.

    $ bin/dsconfig --no-prompt create-dn-map \
      --map-name "AD-PD map" \
      --set "from-dn-pattern:*,**,dc=example,dc=com" \
      --set "to-dn-pattern:uid={1},{2},dc=example,dc=com" \
      --port 1389 \
      --bindDN "uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com" \
      --bindPassword secret
  2. Use the create-attribute-mapping command to create an attribute mapping.


    This example creates an attribute mapping from the member attribute in Active Directory to the member attribute in PingDirectory.

    $ bin/dsconfig --no-prompt create-attribute-mapping \
      --mapping-name "AD-PD attr mapping" \
      --dn-map "AD-PD map" \
      --type dn \
      --set "description:{member}>{member} attr mapping" \
      --set from-attribute:{member} \
      --set to-attribute:{member}

    If you have not already configured a DN map between the source and destination groups, you can configure a map within the --dn-map option when creating the attribute mapping. The DN map object contains the syntax for mapping the source DN to the destination DN.

    If you add specific attributes to the auto-mapped-source-attributes property in the sync class, those attributes will be automatically synced as long as their value formats do not change from the source to the destination server.