
Extending the schema using a custom schema file

To add new attributes and object classes to your PingDirectory server schema, create a custom schema file.


  1. Create an LDIF file with the new attribute extensions using a text editor.


    dn: cn=schema
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: ldapSubentry
    objectClass: subschema
    attributeTypes: ( contractorStatus-OID NAME 'contractorStatus'
      EQUALITY booleanMatch
      USAGE userApplications
      X-ORIGIN 'Directory Server Example' )
    attributeTypes: ( contractorAgency-OID NAME 'contractorAgency'
      EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
      SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
      USAGE userApplications
      X-ORIGIN 'PingDirectory Server Example' )
  2. In the LDIF file you created in step 1, add a new object class definition after the attribute types.


    This example creates an auxiliary object class, contractor, that alone cannot be used as an entry.

    The object class is used to add supplemental information to the inetOrgPerson structural object class. The attributes are all optional for the new object class.

    objectClasses: ( contractor-OID
      NAME 'contractor'
      DESC 'Contractor status information'
      SUP top
      MAY ( contractorStatus $ contractorAgency )
      X-ORIGIN 'PingDirectory Server Example' )
  3. Save the file and place it in the <server-root>/config/schema directory.

    In this example, the file is saved as 99-auxobjclass.ldif.

  4. Load the schema extensions into the PingDirectory server. You have four options:

    Choose from:

    • Create a task that loads the new extensions into the schema.

      The following example creates a task with the ID add-schema-99-auxobjclass and adds it using ldapmodify.

      dn: ds-task-id=add-schema-99-auxobjclass,cn=Scheduled Tasks,cn=tasks
      objectClass: top
      objectClass: ds-task
      objectClass: ds-task-add-schema-file
      ds-task-id: add-schema-99-auxobjclass
      ds-task-schema-file-name: 99-auxobjclass.ldif

      When using this method, you don’t need to restart the server.

    • Import the schema file using the Administrative Console Schema Editor.

      When using this method, you don’t need to restart the server.

      1. Place the 99-auxobjclass.ldif file in the <server-root>/config/schema directory.

      2. Restart PingDirectory server.

        The schema file is read at startup.

    • Add the schema file using load-ldap-schema-file.

      $ bin/load-ldap-schema-file --schemaFile config/schema 99-auxobjclass.ldif

      When using this method, you don’t need to restart the server.

  5. Add the new object class and attribute to an existing user entry.


    $ bin/ldapmodify
    dn: uid=user.9,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: objectClass
    objectClass: contractor
    add: contractorStatus
    contractorStatus: TRUE
  6. To verify the addition, run ldapsearch to display the attribute.


    $ bin/ldapsearch --baseDN dc=example,dc=com "(uid=user.9)" contractorStatus


    dn: uid=user.9,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    contractorStatus: TRUE