
Running the status tool

The PingDirectory server provides a status tool that outputs the current state of the server as well as other information, such as server version, java runtime environment statistics, operation processing times, work queue, and administrative alerts.

About this task

The status tool is located in the bin directory for UNIX and Linux or the bat directory for Windows.


  1. Run the status command on the command line.

    The following code displays an example of the current server status and limits the number of viewable alerts in the last 48 hours. It provides the current state of each connection handler, data sources, JE environment statistics, processing times by operation type, and the current state of the work queue.


    $ bin/status --bindDN “uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com” --bindPassword secret
              --- Server Status ---
    Server Run Status:    Started 28/Mar/2012:10:47:17.000 -0500
    Operational Status:   Available
    Open Connections:     13
    Max Connections:      13
    Total Connections:    50
              --- Server Details ---
    Host Name:  
    Administrative Users: cn=Directory Manager
    Installation Path:    PingDirectory
    Server Version:       PingDirectory Server
    Java Version:         jdk-7u9
              --- Connection Handlers ---
    Address:Port : Protocol : State
    Step : LDAP     : Enabled
    Step : JMX      : Disabled
    Step  : LDAPS    : Disabled
               --- Data Sources ---
    Base DN:             dc=example,dc=com
    Backend ID:          userRoot
    Entries:             2003
    Replication:         Enable
    Replication Backlog: 0
    Age of Oldest Backlog Change: not available
               --- JE Environment ---
    ID             	   : Cache Full :  Cache   : On-Disk : Alert
    replicationChanges : 6 %	    : 328.8 kb : 30.4 kb : None
    userRoot	       : 9 %        : 6.2mb    : 146.6mb : None
               --- Operation Processing Time ---
    Op Type	  : Total Ops : Avg Resp Time (ms)
    Add       : 0         : 0.0
    Bind      : 0         : 0.0
    Compare   : 0         : 0.0
    Delete    : 0         : 0.0
    Modify    : 2788567   : 0.921
    Modify    : 0         : 0
    DN        : 2267266   : 0.242
    Search    : 5055833   : 0.616
                --- Work Queue ---
               : Recent : Average : Maximum
    Queue Size : 4	  : 0	   : 10
    % Busy	 : 26	 : 5	   : 100
                --- Administrative Alerts ---
    Severity : Time	                      : Message
    Info     : 28/Mar/2012 10:47:17 -0500 : The Directory Server has started successfully
    Info     : 28/Mar/2012 10:47:14 -0500 : The Directory Server is starting
    Info     : 28/Mar/2012 10:44:22 -0500 : The Directory Server has started successfully
    Info     : 28/Mar/2012 10:44:18 -0500 : The Directory Server is starting
    Shown are alerts of type [Info,Warning,Error,Fatal] from the past 48 hours Use the
    --maxAlerts and/or --severity options to filter this list

    By default, the status command displays the alerts generated in the last 48 hours. To change this default setting, see step 2.

  2. To limit the number of viewable alerts from the default 48 hours, use the --maxAlerts option.