
Enabling and configuring the StatsD monitoring endpoint

The Monitoring Endpoint configuration type provides the StatsD endpoint type that you can use to transfer metrics data in the StatsD format.

About this task

You can configure the Monitoring Endpoint using the dsconfig command or the administrative console.


  • To create the StatsD monitoring Endpoint, use either of the following:

    Choose from:

    • To use the command-line, run dsconfig with the create-monitoring-endpoint option.

      This example configures a new StatsD Monitoring Endpoint to send UDP data to localhost port 8125 using dsconfig.

      dsconfig create-monitoring-endpoint \
          --type statsd \
          --endpoint-name StatsDEndpoint \
          --set enabled:true \
          --set hostname:localhost \
          --set server-port:8125 \
          --set connection-type:unencrypted-udp
    • To use the Administrative Console:

      1. From the Administrative Console, click Show Advanced Configuration.

      2. In the Logging, Monitoring, and Notifications section, click Monitoring Endpoints.

      3. Click New Monitoring Endpoint.

When you configure Monitoring Endpoint include:

  • The endpoint’s host name

  • The endpoint’s port

  • A toggle to use TCP or UDP

  • A toggle to use SSL if you use TCP

You can configure a StatsD Monitoring Endpoint with custom tags using the additional-tags property. This adds the defined tags to each metric message sent to the endpoint. Each tag should be created in a "key=value" format. Additional tags are appended to the end of the StatsD message. Here is a sample StatsD message with custom tags:


You can send data to any number of monitoring endpoints.

Sending Metrics to Splunk with StatsD

About this task

This topic applies only to the PingDirectoryProxy server.

Using the StatsD Endpoint type, you can send metric data to a Splunk installation. In Splunk, you can use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to secure ports that are open for StatsD. You can configure open UDP or TCP ports in Splunk to accept only connections from a certain hostname or IP address.

StatsD metrics are typically sent over UDP. Using UDP, the client sending metrics does not have to block as it would if using TCP. However, using TCP guarantees order and ensures no metrics are lost.

To securely send UDP or TCP data to Splunk:


  1. Send the data to a Splunk Universal Forwarder.

  2. Request that the forwarder use SSL to communicate with the Splunk Indexer.