
Monitoring soft deletes

The server provides monitoring entries and logs to track all soft delete operations. The access and debug logs do not have any options specific for soft deletes.

New monitor entries

Two new monitor entries are present for a backend monitor entry.

Administrators see the following additional monitor entries on cn=userRoot Backend,cn=monitor:


Displays the number of soft deletes performed on the backend since server startup.


Displays the number of undeletes performed on the backend since server startup.


Displays the current number of soft-deleted entries in the database.


Displays the current number of soft-deleted entries purged since the backend or server was restarted.

Access logs

The access log records the LDAP operations corresponding to soft delete and undelete for DELETE, SEARCH, MODIFY, and ADD operations with the related soft-deleted values.

The access log does not require any configuration for soft delete.

DELETE (soft-delete) operations

The access log displays the following.

[14/May/2012:09:40:16.942 -0500] DELETE RESULT conn=18 op=1 msgID=2
dn="uid=user.1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" resultCode=0 etime=30.367
SEARCH operations for soft-deleted entries

The access log displays the following.

[14/May/2012:09:40:52.320 -0500] SEARCH RESULT conn=19 op=1 msgID=2
base="dc=example,dc=com" scope=2 filter="(objectclass=ds-soft-delete-entry)"
attrs="ALL" resultCode=0 etime=1.631 entriesReturned=1
MODIFY operations of soft-deleted entries

The access log displays the following.

[14/May/2012:09:42:43.679 -0500] MODIFY RESULT conn=20 op=1 msgID=1
ple,dc=com" resultCode=0 etime=2.639 changeToSoftDeletedEntry=true
ADD (soft-undelete) operations

The access log displays the following.

[14/May/2012:09:58:16.728 -0500] ADD RESULT conn=25 op=1 msgID=1
dn="uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" resultCode=0 etime=22.700

Audit logs

The audit log captures any MODIFY and DELETE operations of soft-deleted entries.

These changes are recorded as fully commented-out audit log entries. The audit log does not require any configuration for soft deletes.

For any soft-deleted entry, the audit log entry displays the ds-soft-delete-entry-dn property and its soft-deleted entry distinguished name (DN).

# 14/May/2012:10:57:09.054 -0500; conn=30; op=1
# ds-soft-delete-entry-dn: entryUUID=68147342-1f61-3465-8489-
dn: uid=user.2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: delete

For any MODIFY changes made, the log displays the LDIF, the modifier’s name, and update time.

# 14/May/2012:10:58:33.566 -0500; conn=33; op=1
# dn: entryUUID=68147342-1f61-3465-8489-3de58c532130+uid=user.2,ou=People,dc=exam-
# changetype: modify
# replace: homePhone
# homePhone: +1 003 428 0966
# replace: modifiersName
# modifiersName: uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com
# replace: modifyTimestamp
# modifyTimestamp: 20131010020345.546Z

For any undelete of a soft-deleted entry, the log displays the ds-undelete-from-dn attribute plus the entry unique ID, create time, and creator’s name.

# 14/May/2012:10:59:21.754 -0500; conn=34; op=1
dn: uid=user.2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
uid: user.2
ds-undelete-from-dn: entryUUID=68147342-1f61-3465-8489-3de58c532130+uid=user.2,ou=Peo-
ds-entry-unique-id:: vw1jg801S7GWrTiS3UE5DA==
createTimestamp:: 20131010181148.630Z
creatorsName: uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com

For hard (permanent) deletes of a soft-deleted entry, the log displays the soft-deleted entry DN that was removed.

# 14/May/2012:11:00:14.055 -0500; conn=36; op=1
# dn: entryUUID=68147342-1f61-3465-8489-3de58c532130+uid=user.2,ou=People,dc=exam-
# changetype: delete


You can configure the changelog to capture soft-delete changes to entries so that external clients, such as PingDataSync server, can access these changes.

The ds-soft-delete-entry attribute represents an entry that has been soft-deleted and is part of the source entry passed into the changelog to indicate the entry has been soft-deleted.

All soft-delete operations appear in the changelog as regular DELETE operations. When a soft delete occurs, the resulting changelog entry includes a ds-soft-delete-entry-dn operational attribute with the value of the soft-deleted entry DN. PingDataSync Server recognizes the ds-soft-delete-entry-dn attribute and does nothing with it.

The changelog backend soft-delete-entry-included-operation property determines whether MODIFY or DELETE operations of soft-deleted entries appear in the changelog. This property is disabled by default.