
Signing on to and configuring the administrative console

After you install the PingDirectory server, access the administrative console to verify the configuration and manage the server.

About this task

The administrative console is designed primarily for system configuration, which includes the creation of new schema elements like attribute types and objectClasses. Most entry-monitoring tasks, such as searching and modifying, must be executed with the built-in command-line tools. For more information, see Managing entries.

For more information, see Configuring a global administrator.


  1. Start the PingDirectory server. $ bin/start-server

  2. To access the administrative console, go to https://<host>:<port>/console/login.

    <host> is the host name of the server, and <port> is the port on which the server accepts connections from HTTPS clients. The host name and port were configured during the install.

    The <port> is different for PingDirectory and each of its add-ons. The console that you access is specific to the add-on for which you are using it.

  3. In the Username and Password fields, enter the root user DN credentials. Screen capture of the PingData Administrative Console sign on screen showing the Server, Username, and Password fields

    The root user distinguished name (DN) or the common name of a root user DN is required to sign on to the administrative console. For example, if the DN created when the server was installed is cn=Directory Manager, you can use directory manager to sign on to the administrative console.

  4. Click Sign In.

    To set up an SSO connection to the administrative console, see Single sign-on with the administrative console.

    To run the administrative console in an external container, such as Tomcat, see Deploying the administrative console.

Setting the administrative console session timeout window

About this task

The default session timeout for the administrative console is 24 hours. You can adjust your session length to suit your organization’s needs.

When the session duration is exceeded, all inactive users are logged off automatically.

To change the default session timeout value:


  1. To configure the server.sessionTimeout application parameter, which specifies the timeout duration in seconds, set the value as an init parameter either in the console or on the command line:

    Choose from:

    • Use the administrative console:

      1. Ensure that the Show Advanced Configuration check box is selected.

        A screen capture of the administrative console configuration screen with the Show Advanced Configuration check box selected.
      2. In the Web Services and Applications list, select Web Application Extensions.

      3. In the Web Application Extension list, select Console.

      4. In the Init Parameter field, enter the desired timeout duration value in seconds.

      5. Click Save.

    • Use the command line to run the following:

      dsconfig set-web-application-extension-prop --no-prompt \
      	--extension-name Console \
      	--add init-parameter:server.sessionTimeout=<value in seconds>
  2. To save your changes, restart the HTTP Connection Handler or the server:

    Choose from:

    • Restart the HTTP Connection Handler:

      dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
          --handler-name "<HTTPS Connection Handler>" \
          --set enabled:false
      dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
          --handler-name "<HTTPS Connection Handler>" \
          --set enabled:true
    • Restart the server using bin/stop-server with the -R or --restart option:

      bin/stop-server --restart
  • Use Docker to run a standalone console

  • Set up the console in a Tomcat environment

Using Docker to run a standalone administrative console

About this task

The administrative console is available as a standalone Docker image on Docker Hub. To see a docker-compose example that deploys a PingDirectory container with a corresponding console, see the PingDirectory getting started demo.

The Ping Identity Helm charts also include support for the administrative console, which you should use when deploying the console in Kubernetes.


  • To connect with a PingDirectory server that is deployed in Docker, run the administrative console image in a local Docker deployment.

    The network you use must match the network used by the PingDirectory server’s container.


    The following example deploys the standalone console image in a local Docker deployment with the console listening on port 8443 using the pingnet network:

    docker run \
        --name pingdataconsole \
        --publish 8443:8443 \
        --network pingnet \
        --detach \

    You can change the first port in the --publish line based on what port you want to use on your local machine, but you shouldn’t change the second port. To access the console outside of Docker on port 9443, for example, use 9443:8443.

  • To access the console, go to https://<hostname>:<port>/console/login and enter the following credentials.

    Field Credential


    <PingDirectory container name>:<LDAPS port>

    The name of the server you enter on the sign-on page must match the name of the PingDirectory container you are trying to connect to along with the LDAPS port of that container.

    For example, use pingdirectory:1636 to connect to a standalone PingDirectory Docker container on the same network.





Setting up the administrative console on a Tomcat environment

Before you begin

To set up a standalone console, you need the admin-console.war file from the PingDirectory server’s resource/ archive.

About this task

You can use the .war file with Java application servers, such as Tomcat or Jetty. The following example uses Tomcat as the server environment.

Because Tomcat server version 10 has a defect with Spring Boot applications, use Tomcat 9 instead.


  1. Download the Tomcat 9 .zip archive from the Apache Tomcat downloads page.

  2. Extract the .zip archive.

  3. To set up the Tomcat server, follow the instructions in the RUNNING.txt file from the extracted directory.

  4. Copy the admin-console.war file into the webapps folder in the Tomcat root directory.

  5. To start the Tomcat server, run or startup.bat from the bin folder of the Tomcat root directory.


    Tomcat automatically extracts the console from the compressed .war file into an exploded application directory and starts running the console.

  6. To access the console, use the admin-console path from the Tomcat server path.

    By default, the path to access the console is localhost:8080/admin-console.

Configuring the administrative console

About this task

After you have deployed the PingDirectory administrative console, you can configure it.


  1. Disable the embedded administrative console using dsconfig or the administrative console to configure connection handlers:

    Choose from:

    • To use dsconfig, run dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop:

      dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
          --handler-name "<HTTPS Connection Handler>"  \
          --reset web-application-extension

      Replace <HTTPS Connection Handler> with the name of the connection handler hosting the administrative console.

    • To use the administrative console, open the console:

      1. On the Configuration page, go to Connection Handlers.

      2. In the Connection Handlers list, select the HTTP or HTTPS connection handler that is hosting the administrative console.

      3. Go to Web Application Extension and click the arrows to move Console from the Selected column on the right to the Available column on the left.

  2. To finalize your changes, restart the HTTPS Connection Handler using dsconfig:


    dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
        --handler-name "<HTTPS Connection Handler>" \
        --set enabled:false
    dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
        --handler-name "<HTTPS Connection Handler>" \
        --set enabled:true
  3. Configure the administrative console’s application.yml file.

    You can configure the standalone PingDirectory server administrative console by modifying the /tmp/Console/WEB-INF/classes/application.yml file. To see the different configuration settings listed in the default application.yml file included with the administrative console and what they do, expand the following table.

    Configuration settings
    Setting Description


    For information about these properties, see the API docs].

    You should not modify them.


    Controls the prefix of the Spring Boot Actuator endpoints of the console application.

    You should not modify this setting.


    Controls the severity level of messages logged about these packages.


    If this is set to true, the console logs messages to a file.


    If logging is enabled, this specifies the file that the console will log to.


    If this is set to true, the console attempts to use OpenID Connect (OIDC) single sign-on (SSO) to bind to the managed server.

    If false, the console asks for a username and password.


    The issuer URI to the OIDC provider.


    The client ID used with the OIDC provider.


    The client secret used with the OIDC provider.

    The file path to the trust store used when communicating with the OIDC provider.

    The type of trust store specified by

    Specifies the password used with the trust store specified by

    Specifies the environment variable containing the password used with the trust store specified by


    If this is set to true, the console requires a matching host name on the OIDC provider certificate.

    If this is set to true, the console accepts any OIDC provider certificate.


    The LDAP attribute containing the username of the user the console is logging in as when using SSO.


    If this is set to true, the 'server' field is hidden on the sign on page.


    Auto-populates the 'server' field on the sign-on page.

    If login.hide-server=true, this value determines which directory server the console tries to bind to.


    Auto-populates the user field on the sign-on page.


    Auto-populates the password field on the sign-on page.

    The file path to the trust store used when binding to the directory server.

    Specifies the type of trust store specified by trust-store-file.

    Specifies the password used with the trust store specified by trust-store-file.

    Specifies the environment variable containing the password used with the trust store specified by trust-store-file.


    Specifies the name of the file servlet on the managed directory server to use when fetching generated collect-support-data (CSD) or server profiles.


    If this is set to true, the console has a button that has the managed directory server run a collect-support-data task.


    The file path to the folder where the managed directory server stores generated CSD files after running the collect-support-data task.


    The file path to the folder where the managed directory server stores generated server profiles after running the generate-server-profile task.

    Do not change this property.


    The file path to the folder that holds custom, branding.css, and favicon.ico files.

    If empty, default Ping Identity branding is used instead.


    Determines the maximum complexity level for shown configuration objects.

    The possible values are basic, standard, advanced, and expert.


    The amount of time a web session can remain idle before the user must sign on again. The time is set in seconds unless you use a time interval (h for hours or m for minutes). If not specified, the default is 24 hours.

    After modifying the application.yml file, you must restart the console for your changes to take effect.

  4. Select servers to manage in the administrative console:

    1. To use the application.yml file to select a server for the administrative console to manage:

      1. Set the ldap.server property to the address of the LDAP server to bind to.

      2. Restart the console using the following command:

        dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
            --handler-name "<HTTPS Connection Handler>" \
            --set enabled:false
        dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
            --handler-name "<HTTPS Connection Handler>" \
            --set enabled:true
    2. To switch between managed servers in a single topology while signed on to the administrative console, in the Servers list, select the server that you want to manage.

    A screen capture of the PingDirectory administrative console Servers list.
    1. To select a server when SSO is not enabled and the login.hide-server property in application.yml is false:

      1. If you are signed on to the console, sign off of your current session.

      2. Change the Server field value on the console sign-on page to the address of the LDAP server you want to manage.

    2. To select a server when SSO is enabled:

      1. Enter the console URL with the ldap-hostname and ldaps-port query parameters specified when accessing the console: https://<hostname>:<port>/console/login?ldap-hostname=<>&ldaps-port=<ldaps-port>


        In the following example URL, <hostname> is localhost, <port> is 443, ldap-hostname is <>, and the <ldaps-port> is 636.