PingFederate Server

Configuring contract fulfillment for token generation

Fulfill your token generator contract requirements with values from the incoming SAML token, dynamic text, expressions, or from a data store lookup.

About this task

Map the values that the web services require to the attributes defined for the contract.


  1. On the Token Generator Mapping & User Lookup tab, click Map New Token Generator Instance.


    The Token Generator Mapping & User Lookup configuration window opens.

  2. On the Token Generator Contract Fulfillment tab, for each attribute, select a source from the Source list and then choose or enter a value. You must map all attributes.

    • Assertion

      When selected, the Value list populates with attributes from the incoming SAML token (assertion). Select the desired attribute from the list. At runtime, the attribute value from the assertion is mapped to the value of the attribute in the local token.

      For example, to map the value of TOKEN_SUBJECT from a SAML assertion as the value of the subject user identifier on the token generator contract, select Assertion from the Source list and TOKEN_SUBJECT from the Value list.

    • Context

      When selected, the Value list populates with the available context of the transaction. Select the desired context from the list. At runtime, the context value is mapped to the value of the attribute in the local token.

      Because the HTTP Request and STS SSL Client Certificate Chain context values are retrieved as Java objects rather than text, use OGNL expressions to evaluate and return values, sees Expression.

      When using the STS Basic Authentication Username, STS SSL Client Certificate’s Subject DN, or STS SSL Client Certificate Chain contexts, ensure the associated authentication is enabled and configured on the System → Server → Protocol Settings → WS-Trust STS Settings tab.

    • LDAP, JDBC, or Other

      When selected, the Value list populates with attributes that you have selected from the data store. Select the desired attribute from the list. At runtime, the attribute value from the data store is mapped to the value of the attribute in the local token.

    • Expression

      When enabled, this option provides more complex mapping capabilities, such as transforming incoming values into different formats. Select Expression from the Source list, click Edit under Actions, and compose your OGNL expressions. All variables available for text entries are also available for expressions. For more information, see Text.

      Expressions are not enabled by default. For more information about enabling and editing OGNL expressions, see Attribute mapping expressions.

    • No Mapping

      Select this option to ignore the Value field.

    • Text

      When selected, the text you enter is used at runtime. You can mix text with references to any of the values from the SAML token, using the $\{attribute} syntax.

      You can also enter values from your datastore, when applicable, using this syntax:


      where attribute is any of the attributes that you have selected from the data store.

    You can reference attribute values in the form of $\{attributeName:-defaultValue}. The default value is optional. When specified, it is used at runtime if the attribute value is not available. Do not use $\{ and } in the default value.

    If you are editing a currently mapped token generator instance, you can update the mapping configuration, which might require additional configuration changes in subsequent tasks.

  3. Click Next.