
Manually removing agents on IIS

Manually remove the agent if an attempt to remove the agent from a system fails.


  1. Stop Microsoft IIS.

    1. Run the command net stop w3svc.

    2. Run the command net stop was.

  2. Edit C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config and remove the following line from the sectionGroup container with name=system.webServer under configSections.


    <section name="paa" overrideModeDefault="Deny" allowDefinition="AppHostOnly" allowLocation="false" />
  3. Remove the following XML block from the <system.webServer> element in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config.


     <paaCertificateDir value="C:\Program Files\Ping Identity\PingAccess Agent for IIS\certs\" />
      <file path="C:\Program Files\Ping Identity\PingAccess Agent for IIS\" />
  4. Open IIS Manager and go to Management → Configuration Editor.

  5. Select the system.webServer/paa section and validate that the paths were properly removed from applicationHost.config.

  6. Deregister the agent module with IIS.

    1. Open IIS Manager, and then select the web server from which the agent is being removed.

    2. Click Modules.

    3. Click Configure Native Modules.

    4. Select the PingAccessAgentModule registered module, and then click Remove.

    5. Click OK.

    6. Run the command iisreset /restart.