
Creating a web session client

Configure an for use with web session configuration in PingAccess.

About this task

For more information, see Manage OAuth clients.


  1. Go to Applications → OAuth → Clients.

  2. Click Add Client.

  3. In the Client ID field, specify a client ID.

  4. In the Name field, specify a name.

  5. In the Client Authentication section, select Client Secret.

  6. In the Client Secret section, select Change Secret, and then click Generate Secret.

    Copy the secret to a secure location so that you can use it in PingAccess configuration.

  7. In the Redirect URIs field, add the callback redirect to the PingAccess server.

    For example, https://mypingaccessserver:3000/pa/oidc/cb.

  8. Click Add.

  9. Select the Bypass Authorization Approval check box.

  10. In the Allowed Grant Types section, select the Authorization Code check box.

  11. Click Save.

Next steps