
Response object reference

Access the Response object in Groovy exc?.response.


The Response object contains all information related to the service HTTP response. The response instance is sent on to the User-Agent after the rules are evaluated.

The fields and methods for the Response object are not available in scripts used with an agent.

Groovy sample

if(exc?.response && exc?.identity) {
    exc.response.header.add("PA-Tracking-ID", exc.identity.trackingId)

Field summary

Field Description

int getStatusCode()

Contains the HTTP response status code.

void setStatusCode(int)

Sets the status code from an integer.

String getStatusMessage()

Contains the HTTP response status message.

void setStatusMessage(String)

Sets the status message from a string.

Method summary

Method Description

boolean isRedirect()

Returns true if the status code is in the 300s.

Header getHeader

Contains the HTTP header information from the response.

Previously executed custom rules can modify these values.

Body getBody

Contains the HTTP body information from the response.

Previously executed custom rules can modify these values.

void setBodyContent(byte[] content)

Replaces the body content of the response. This method will also adjust the Content-Length header field to align with the length of the specified content.