
Configuring a PingFederate runtime

Configure an existing PingFederate environment as the token provider for PingAccess.

About this task

For information on configuring PingFederate as an authorization server, see OAuth configuration and Configuring authorization server settings in the PingFederate documentation.

Before configuring a secure connection to the PingFederate runtime, export the PingFederate certificate and import it into a trusted certificate group in PingAccess:


  1. In PingFederate, export the active certificate for the runtime server.

    For more information, see Manage SSL server certificates in the PingFederate documentation.

  2. Import the certificate into PingAccess.

  3. Create a trusted certificate group if one doesn’t already exist.

  4. Add the certificate to the trusted certificate group.

Next steps

Select the tab for your environment configuration to continue. If your PingFederate instance is proxied by the PingAccess engines, use the proxied runtime procedure. Otherwise, choose one of the standard runtime procedures.

The steps that display on the Standard Runtime tab in the PingAccess administrative console depend on what PingAccess version you’re using:

  • If you’re using PingAccess 5.3 or later, some of the PingFederate configuration information is imported automatically from the PingFederate well-known endpoint. Use the standard runtime procedure.

  • If you upgrade from PingAccess 5.2 or earlier and have an existing token provider configuration, you must provide the PingFederate configuration information manually. Use the original standard runtime procedure.

    If you perform an upgrade from PingAccess 5.2 or earlier and want to see the updated version of the Token Provider page in the administrative console, configure the token provider using the /pingfederate/runtime . For more information, see Administrative API Endpoints.

    Configuring PingFederate as a token provider using the /pingfederate/runtime endpoint overwrites the existing PingFederate configuration.

Configuring a standard PingFederate runtime

About this task

Configure a secure connection to the PingFederate runtime in PingAccess:


  1. Click Settings, then go to System > Token Provider > PingFederate > Runtime.

  2. Select Standard Token Provider.

  3. In the Issuer field, enter the PingFederate issuer name.

  4. Optional: In the Descriptions field, enter a description for the PingFederate instance.

  5. In the Trusted Certificate Group list, select the certificate group that the PingFederate certificate is in.

  6. To configure advanced settings, click Show Advanced.

    1. If host name verification for secure connections isn’t required for either the runtime or the backchannel servers, select the Skip Hostname Verification check box.

    2. To use a configured proxy for backchannel requests, select the Use Proxy check box.

      If the node is not configured with a proxy, requests are made directly to PingFederate.

      For more information about creating proxies, see Adding proxies.

    3. Select Use Single-Logout to enable when the /pa/oidc/logout endpoint is accessed to clear the cookie containing the PingAccess token.

      If you select this option, PingAccess sends a sign off request to PingFederate, which completes a full SLO flow.

      To use this feature, SLO must be configured on the .

    4. Enter the STS Token Exchange Endpoint to be used for token mediation if it’s different from the default value of <issuer>/pf/sts.wst.

  7. Click Save.

    Saving a new PingFederate runtime configuration overwrites any existing PingFederate runtime configuration.


After you save the PingFederate runtime connection, PingAccess tests the connection to PingFederate. If the connection can’t be made, a warning displays in the admin console, and the PingFederate runtime won’t save.

Next steps

After you save this configuration and perform the steps in Configuring OAuth resource servers, a PingFederate access validator is available for selection when you define OAuth-type rules in the policy manager.

After you configure the token provider, click View Metadata to display the metadata provided by the token provider. To update the metadata, click Refresh Metadata.