
Installing PingAccess on your system

Install PingAccess on Linux, on Windows through an installation wizard, or on Windows through the command-line interface (CLI).

Before you begin

  • Ensure you’ve met the installation requirements.

  • Ensure you’re signed on to your system with appropriate privileges to install and run an application.

    On Linux, install and run PingAccess as a non-root user.

  • Install a supported Java runtime.

  • The system or user environment variable JAVA_HOME must exist and be set to a value that represents the location of your Java installation, such as usr/java/jdk 1.8.0_74.

  • Add the relevant Java directory path to the PATH variable so it’s available for scripts that depend on it:

    • On Linux: Add the /bin directory path (for example, usr/lib64/jvm/jre/bin).

    • On Windows installer: Add the javapath directory path (for example, C:\Program Files\Oracle\Java\javapath).

    • On Windows CLI: Add the javapath directory path (for example, C:\Program Files\Oracle\Java\javapath).

  • You must have a pingaccess.lic license file.

    If you do not have a PingAccess license, you can request an evaluation key at During the first run of PingAccess, you will be prompted to upload the license file.

    If you are using an existing configuration file to configure the system, copy the configuration file to the system and rename it data.json. For more information about exporting the configuration from an existing system, see Exporting PingAccess configurations.

Installing PingAccess on Linux

About this task

To install PingAccess on a Linux system:


  1. Download the distribution .zip archive from the PingAccess downloads page.

  2. Extract the distribution .zip archive into your installation directory.

  3. Optional: If you are using an existing configuration file to configure the system, move the data.json file to the <PA_Home>/data/start-up-deployer directory.

    When you start PingAccess for the first time, if this configuration is present it will be imported. After a successful import, the data.json file is deleted. If the configuration is present but cannot be imported, PingAccess is not started.

    If you’re deploying PingAccess in a cluster configuration, see the configuration documentation.

Next steps