
Headers object reference

Access the Headers object in Groovy exc?.request?.header or exc?.response?.header.


The Headers object contains the HTTP header information from the request made to an application or the HTTP header from a site response. The Request HTTP header is sent on to the site after the rules are evaluated. The Response HTTP header is returned to the client after the Response rules are evaluated.

Use the Headers object to add custom HTTP headers for a site, as demonstrated in the following example:

ExampleGroovy sample

if ( !(exc.response) )
     // Set a custom header for the Site request
     def header = exc?.request?.header
     header?.add("X-PINGACCESS-SAMPLE", "SUCCESS")

Method summary

Method Description

void add(String key, String val)

Adds HTTP header fields for the request.

If you use Groovy Rules to inject HTTP headers for the backend protected application, the script must sanitize the same headers from the original client request.

String getAccept()

Returns the acceptable response Content-Types expected by the User-Agent.

void setAccept(String value)

Sets the acceptable response Content-Types expected by the User-Agent.

String getAuthorization()

Returns the authentication credentials for HTTP authentication.

void setAuthorization(String username, String password)

Sets authentication credentials for HTTP authentication.

String getConnection()

Returns the connection type preferred by the User-Agent.

void setConnection(List<String> values)

Sets the connection type preferred by the User-Agent.

int getContentLength()

Returns the request body content length.

void setContentLength(int length)

Sets the request body content length.

MediaType getContentType()

Returns media type of Header with content type

void setContentType(String)

Sets the request body MIME type.

Map <String, String[]> getCookies()

Returns all cookies sent with the request.

void setCookie(String)

Overwrites the request’s cookie header with the passed string. This method cannot be used to set cookies in the response header.

String getFirstCookieValue(String)

Returns the first cookie in the cookie header.

String getFirstValue(String)

Returns the first value of the HTTP header specified by the name.

void setDate(Date date)

Sets the date of the message in the Date HTTP header.

List<GroovyHeaderField> getAllHeaderFields()

Returns a list of GroovyHeaderFields.

String getHost()

Returns the host name specified in the request.

void setHost(String value)

Sets the host name for the request to the Site.

String getLocation()

Gets the redirect location Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the response.

void setLocation(String value)

Sets the redirect location URL for the response.

String getProxyAuthorization()

Returns the proxy credentials.

void setProxyAuthorization(String value)

Sets the request proxy credentials.

void setServer(String value)

Sets the server name for the response.

List<String> getValues(String name)

Returns a list of string values for the supplied header name.

String getXForwardedFor()

Returns the originating Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client and the proxies, if set.

void setXForwardedFor(String value)

Sets the IP address for the client and the proxies.

boolean removeContentEncoding()

Removes the Content-Encoding header value. Returns true if the value has been removed.

boolean removeContentLength()

Removes the Content-Length header value. Returns true if the value has been removed.

boolean removeContentType()

Removes the Content-Type header value. Returns true if the value has been removed.

boolean removeExpect()

Removes the Expect header value. Returns true if the value has been removed.

boolean removeFields(String name)

Removes the header value specified by the name parameter. Returns true if the value has been removed.

boolean removeTransferEncoding()

Removes the Transfer-Encoding header value. Returns true if the value has been removed.

GroovyHeaderField object

Method summary
Method Description

String getValue();

Returns the string’s value.

GroovyHeaderName getHeaderName();

Returns the header’s name.

ExampleGroovy sample

The following example demonstrates usage of the getAllHeaderFields() method, which includes both request and response logging:

exc? "Display Headers: "
exc? "-->Request Headers"
reqHdrs = exc?.request?.header?.getAllHeaderFields()
reqLoop = reqHdrs?.iterator()
while (reqLoop?.hasNext()) {
  hdr = reqLoop?.next() "-->reqHeader  Name: "+hdr?.getHeaderName()?.toString() "-->reqHeader Value: "+ hdr?.getValue()
exc? "-->Response Headers"
exc?.log.debug "-->Response HTTP Status: "+ exc?.response?.statusCode
rspHdrs = exc?.response?.header?.getAllHeaderFields()
rspLoop = rspHdrs?.iterator()
while (rspLoop?.hasNext()) {
  hdr = rspLoop?.next () "-->rspHeader  Name: "+ hdr?.getHeaderName()?.toString() "-->rspHeader Value: "+ hdr?.getValue()
exc? "Display Headers EOF: "