Page created: 1 Nov 2019
Page updated: 17 Apr 2020
To upgrade PingCentral from version 1.0.1 to version 1.2.0 on either Windows or Linux, download the installation file, run the PingCentral upgrade utility, and plan for a short period of downtime.
Ensure that:
- You are logged on to your system and have privileges that allow you to install applications.
- All system requirements are met, and the Oracle Java 11 LTS runtime environment is installed.
- The JAVA_HOME path points to the JDK software on your system. For example, /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- To verify this information, run the echo $JAVA_HOME command.
- The Java /bin directory path is added to the PATH variable. To verify this information, run the echo $PATH command.