The OAuth Scope Authentication Selector enables PingFederate to choose configured authentication sources or other selectors based on a match found between the scopes of an OAuth authorization request and scopes configured in the PingFederate OAuth authorization server (AS).
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and configure one or more scopes.This selector allows you to control the strength of authentication based on client access requirements. For example, if a client requires write access to a resource, you can deploy an instance of the OAuth Scope Authentication Selector in one or more authentication policies to choose an adapter that offers a stronger form of authentication, such as the X.509 client certificate, instead of username and password.
When you mark this selector instance as a checkpoint in an authentication policy, it forms two policy paths: Yes and No. If the requested scopes satisfy all the selected scopes, the selector returns true. The policy engine regains control of the request and proceeds with the policy path configured for the result value of Yes. If the requested scopes do not satisfy all the selected scopes, the selector returns false. The policy engine regains control of the request and proceeds with the policy path configured for the result value of No.