PingAM 7.5.0

Polling Wait node

Pauses authentication progress for a specified number of seconds, for example, to wait for a response to a one-time password email or push notification.

Requests made during the wait period are sent a PollingWaitCallback callback and an authentication ID. For example, the following callback indicates a wait time of 10 seconds:

    "authId": "eyJ0eXAiOiJK...u4WvZmiI",
    "callbacks": [
            "type": "PollingWaitCallback",
            "output": [
                    "name": "waitTime",
                    "value": "10000"
                    "name": "message",
                    "value": "Waiting for response..."

The client must wait 10 seconds before returning the callback data, including the authId:

$ curl \
--request POST \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=2.0, protocol=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
  "authId": "eyJ0eXAiOiJK…​u4WvZmiI",
  "callbacks": [
          "type": "PollingWaitCallback",
          "output": [
                  "name": "waitTime",
                  "value": "10000"
                  "name": "message",
                  "value": "Waiting for response…​"
}' \

The end user UI automatically waits for the required amount of time and resubmits the page to continue evaluation. The message displayed during the wait is configurable with the Waiting Message property.


Product Compatible?

PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud


PingAM (self-managed)


Ping Identity Platform (self-managed)



  • Done

  • Exited (configurable)

  • Spam (configurable)

Evaluation continues along the Done outcome path when the next request is received after the wait time has passed.

Enabling Spam detection adds a Spam outcome path to the node. Evaluation continues along the Spam outcome path if more than the specified number of requests are received during the wait time.

Enabling the user to exit without waiting adds an Exited outcome path to the node. Evaluation continues along the Exited outcome path if the user clicks the button that appears when the option is enabled. The message displayed on the exit button is configurable by using the Exit Message property.


Property Usage

Seconds To Wait

Specify the number of seconds to pause authentication.

Default: 8

Enable Spam Detection

Specify whether to track the number of responses received during the wait time, and continue evaluation along the Spam outcome path if the number specified in the Spam Tolerance property is exceeded.

Default: Disabled

Spam Tolerance

Specify the number of responses to allow during the wait time before continuing evaluation along the Spam outcome path. This property only applies if spam detection is enabled.

Default: 3

Waiting Message

Specifies the optional message to display to the user.

Provide the message in multiple languages by specifying the locale in the KEY field, for example, en-US. For information on valid locale strings, refer to JDK 11 Supported Locales. The locale selected for display is based on the user’s locale settings in their browser.

Messages provided in the node override the defaults provided by AM.

For information about customizing and translating the default messages, refer to Internationalization.


Whether the user can exit the node during the wait period.

Enabling this option adds a button with a configurable message to the page. Clicking the button causes evaluation to continue along the Exited outcome path.

Default: Disabled

Exit Message

Specifies the optional message to display to the user on the button used to exit the node before the wait period has elapsed. For example, Cancel or Lost phone? Use Recovery Code. This property only applies if the Exitable property is enabled.

Provide the message in multiple languages by specifying the locale in the KEY field, for example, en-US. For information on valid locale strings, refer to JDK 11 Supported Locales. The locale selected for display is based on the user’s locale settings in their browser.

Messages provided in the node override the defaults provided by AM.

For information about customizing and translating the default messages, refer to Internationalization.