Web Access Management

SP deployment notes

The following notes provide additional information for using the WAM Integration Kit as an SP:

  • The WAM SP Adapter relies on a custom authentication scheme to validate the authentication request coming from the PingFederate SP Adapter. The secret specified in the SP Adapter is verified against the one configured with the scheme. You can create custom authentication schemes for specific WAM systems using their API.

    The authentication scheme for OAM is included in the samples folder at the following location: <integration_kit_install_dir> /sdk/samples/oam/PingCustomAuthPlugin.java

  • To support Account Linking, the Account Linking Service has to be implemented and then protected by the WAM Web Agent. This could be done as a JSP page that redirects back to PingFederate. The relative resumePath is sent as part of the request and the JSP page needs to create the absolute URL and redirect, as shown below.

      String resumePath = request.getParameter("resumePath");
        if(resumePath != null) {
          resumePath = <PingFed_URL> + resumePath; (1)
    1 <PingFed_URL> is the fully-qualified URL of the PingFederate server.

    resumePath is generated from PingFederate and intended for asynchronous communication between the adapter and the external application. The state is saved in PingFederate and processing is resumed when the application redirects to the resumePath.

    The WAM SP Adapter retrieves the user information from the WAM session cookie and resumes SSO.