
PingAuthorize (July 2022)

Updated to LDAP SDK version 6.0.5

Fixed DS-45746

Updated to LDAP SDK for Java version 6.0.5 for bug fixes and new functionality.

Fixed an incorrect SCIM POST error response

Fixed DS-45647

Fixed an issue where SCIM POST requests that violated a unique attribute constraint received an internal error instead of the expected SCIM error response.

Fixed an incorrect SCIM POST error code

Fixed DS-45863

Fixed an issue where SCIM POST requests that violated a unique attribute constraint received an error response with status 400 Bad Request instead of 409 Conflict.

Fixed the PingAuthorize name and version in collect-support-data

Fixed DS-45280

The collect-support-data (CSD) tool now correctly displays the name and version of PingAuthorize.