PingFederate Server

PingFederate 11.3.7 (May 2024)

PingOne admin URL property

New PF-31859

Added support for the Australia region to the pf.pingone.admin.url.region property.

The Asia region is deprecated. We recommend using the Australia region instead.

Authentication API allows different user for change password flow

Fixed PF-35609

Fixed a defect that caused the authentication API to allow a different user to proceed with the MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD function than the user who initiated the flow.

Note that in all cases, the target user’s password was required to complete the change password operation.

Memory heap increase when using admin API on policy tree

Fixed PF-35423

Fixed a defect that caused PingFederate not to release memory when using the admin API on the policy tree.

Authentication API password change flow ignores credentials

Fixed PF-35618

Fixed a defect that caused the authentication API to ignore credentials for password changes provided after user authentication.

Authentication API validation error

Fixed PF-35430

Fixed a defect that caused a validation error in the authentication API when including the ui_locales parameter.

Provisioner uses wrong time zone when datasource and PingFederate are in different time zones

Fixed PF-35286

Fixed a defect that caused redundant user provisioner updates when the datasource and PingFederate were in different time zones.