PingFederate Server

HTML Form Adapter events

The HTML Form Adapter offers self-service account management tools for password management, account recovery, username recovery, and email ownership verification.

When you configure an HTML Form Adapter instance to deliver its messages based on an SMTP Notification Publisher instance configuration, administrators can optionally customize and localize the following template files with branding controls to provide a consistent brand experience to end users across multiple user populations.

Email subject and template file name Event Action

Password Change Notification


A user’s password has been changed successfully through an instance of the HTML Form Adapter.

Users should contact their IT administrators if they have not made any attempts to change their password.

Password Reset


A user has initiated a self-service password reset request.

Applicable when the password reset type for the invoked HTML Form Adapter instance is set to Email One-Time Link.

Users should contact their IT administrators if they have not made any attempts to reset their password.

Password Reset


A user has initiated a self-service password reset request.

Applicable when the password reset type for the invoked HTML Form Adapter instance is set to Email One-Time Password or Text Message.

Users should contact their IT administrators if they have not made any attempts to reset their password.

Password Reset Completed


A user’s password has been reset successfully through an instance of the HTML Form Adapter.

Applicable when the password reset type for the invoked HTML Form Adapter instance is set to any method except None.

Users should contact their IT administrators if they have not made any attempts to reset their password.

Account Unlocked


A user account has been unlocked successfully through an instance of the HTML Form Adapter.

Applicable when the Account Unlock option is enabled for the invoked HTML Form Adapter instance.

Users should contact their IT administrators if they have not made any attempts to unlock their account.

Account Unlock Email Template

Password Reset Failed


An attempt to reset the end-user’s password has failed.

Users should contact their IT administrators if they have not made any attempts to reset their password, or to seek help in resetting their password.

Email Verification


A user has provided an email address on the registration page, updated an existing email address with a new one on the profile management page, requested a resend of the verification email on the profile management page, or accessed the email ownership verification endpoint.

Applicable only if the invoked HTML Form Adapter instance is associated with a local identity profile that has been configured to offer users the opportunity to verify the ownership of the email address associated with the accounts.

Users should contact their IT administrators if they have not made any attempts to update the email address associated with their accounts.

Username Recovery


A user has initiated a self-service username recovery request and provided an email address through an instance of the HTML Form Adapter. If PingFederate can locate the user record using such email address and other requirements are met, PingFederate uses this template to generate an email message containing the recovered username and sends it to the user at the email address provided by the user.

Applicable only if the invoked HTML Form Adapter instance is configured to support self-service username recovery.

Users should contact their IT administrators if they have not made any attempts to recover the username associated with their accounts.