
Configuring OAuth authorization servers

Configure, modify, and edit the OAuth authorization servers in PingAccess.

Before you begin

If you plan to use Mutual TLS, modify the token provider to provide the mtls_endpoint_aliases object, with content defined by RFC-8705, on the OpenID Connect (OIDC) well-known configuration endpoint.


  1. Click Settings and then go to System → Token Provider → Common → OAuth Authorization Server.

  2. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the authorization server.

  3. In the Targets field, enter one or more hostname:port pairs for the OAuth authorization server. Click Add Target to add additional targets.

  4. In the Introspection Endpoints field, specify the OAuth endpoint through which the token introspection operation is accomplished.

  5. In the Token Endpoint field, enter the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server’s token endpoint.

  6. Select the Audit check box to record requests to the OAuth authorization server to the audit store.

  7. Select the Secure option if the OAuth authorization server is expecting HTTPS connections.

  8. From the Trusted Certificate Group list, select the group of certificates to use when authenticating to the OAuth authorization server.

    PingAccess requires that the certificate in use by OAuth authorization server anchors to a certificate in the associated trusted certificate group.

  9. In the Client ID field, enter the unique identifier assigned when you created the PingAccess OAuth client within your OAuth authorization server.

  10. Select a Client Credentials Type, then provide the information required for the selected credential type.

    Choose from:

    • Secret – Enter the Client Secret assigned when you created the PingAccess OAuth client in the token provider.

    • Mutual TLS – Select a configured Key Pair to use for mutual TLS client authentication.

    • Private Key JWT – Select this option to use Private Key JSON web token (JWT). No additional information is required.

  11. Optional: Select the Cache Tokens option to retain token details for subsequent requests.

    This option reduces the communication between PingAccess and OAuth authorization server.

  12. Optional: Select the Token Time To Live check box to enter the number of seconds to cache the access token.

    A value of -1 means there is no limit. This value should be less than the OAuth authorization server token lifetime.

  13. In the Subject Attribute Name field, enter the attribute you want to use from the OAuth access token as the subject for auditing purposes.

    At runtime, the attribute’s value is used as the Subject field in audit log entries for application programming interface (API) Resources with policies that validate access tokens.

  14. Select the Send Audience check box to send the URI the user requested as the aud OAuth parameter for PingAccess to the OAuth 2.0 authorization server.

  15. To configure advanced settings, click Show Advanced.

    1. To use a configured proxy, select the Use Proxy check box.

  16. Click Save.

    If the node is not configured with a proxy, requests are made directly to the token provider.