
Setting up your environment

About this task

To help you get started quickly with PingAuthorize, we provide Docker containers that have everything you need. Deploy these containers using Docker commands and then start using PingAuthorize.


  1. Clone the GitHub repository that contains the supporting source files.

    Replace the variable <X.X> with the first two digits of the PingAuthorize release you want to clone.

    git clone --branch <X.X> && cd pingauthorize-tutorials

    This command places the files in the pingauthorize-tutorials directory and changes to that directory. The directory contains a docker-compose.yml file that defines the containers used in the tutorial.

    You shouldn’t need to modify this file or understand its contents to follow the tutorial steps. However, you might need to change some configuration values that the Docker Compose environment uses. The env-template.txt file contains various configuration values, including the default port definitions used by the Docker Compose containers.

  2. Copy the template to a new .env file at the root of the cloned repository and edit its contents using any text editor.

    cp env-template.txt .env
    vi .env

    You might not need to modify any values if all the default ports are available.

    You must still have an .env file in place for the environment to start.