
Starting PingAuthorize Server at boot time (Unix/Linux)

Create a script to run PingAuthorize Server when the system boots.

About this task

PingAuthorize Server does not start automatically when the system is booted. By default, you must use the bin/start-server command to start it manually.


  • To configure PingAuthorize Server to start automatically when the system boots, complete one of the following tasks:

    Choose from:

    • Use the create-systemd-script utility to create a script.

      1. Create the service unit configuration file in a temporary location, as in the following example:

         $ bin/create-systemd-script \
          --outputFile /tmp/ping-authorize.service \
          --userName pingauthorize

        In this example, pingauthorize represents the username assigned to PingAuthorize Server.

      2. Switch to root user. The command for doing this will vary depending on your distribution.

      3. As a root user, copy the ping-authorize.service configuration file to the /etc/systemd/ system directory.

        cp ping-authorize.service /etc/systemd/
      4. Reload systemd to read the new configuration file.

        $ systemctl daemon-reload
      5. To start PingAuthorize Server, use the start command.

        $ systemctl start ping-authorize.service
      6. To configure PingAuthorize Server to start automatically when the system boots, use the enable command, as in the following example:

        $ systemctl enable ping-authorize.service
      7. Sign off from the system as the root user.

    • Create a Run Control (RC) script manually.

      1. Run bin/create-rc-script to create the startup script.

      2. Move the script to the /etc/init.d directory.

      3. Create symlinks to the script from the /etc/rc3.d directory.

        To ensure that the server is started, begin the symlinks with an S.

      4. Create symlinks to the script from the /etc/rc0.d directory.

        To ensure that the server is stopped, begin the symlinks with a K.