Updating environments
Update PingFederate and PingAccess environment information at any time.
To edit environment information, click the expandable icon associated with it, and then click the Pencil icon. All of the editable information displays on one page.
Option Description To update the name and description:
To update the name and description, change the information in the Name, Short Code, and Description fields.
To update the assertion encryption certificate:
To update the assertion encryption certificate, click Choose to upload a new certificate and enter the certificate password in the appropriate field.
To update connection information:
To update the connection information for either a PingFederate or PingAccess environment, change the information in the Username and Password fields.
If a PingAccess environment is added to PingCentral and removed through the edit page, the connection information is saved and restored if the PingAccess environment is selected again.
To add or remove protection status:
To add or remove the protected status of an environment, which prevents non-administrators from promoting applications to the environment, select or clear the Only Administrators Can Promote Applications check box.
To update the signing certificate:
To update the signing certificate used to promote SAML applications, select the appropriate certificate in the Signing Certificate list or upload your own.
To update the SP certificate:
To update the SP certificate, click Choose to upload a new certificate and enter the certificate password in the appropriate field.
To update the assertion encryption certificate:
To update the assertion encryption certificate, click Choose to upload a new certificate and enter the certificate password in the appropriate field.
Click Save.