
Updating OAuth and OIDC templates


  1. To update an OAuth or OIDC template, click the Expand icon associated with the template and click the Pencil icon.

    All of the editable information is on one page.

    Option Description

    To update the name, description, or icon:

    Update the information in the Name and Description fields or select a new icon to represent the template.

    To update grant types:

    To update the grant types used for authorization, select or deselect the grant types that you want to use for this template.

    For details, see Grant Types in the PingFederate Server guide.

    Some grant types might not be available with your version of PingFederate.

    To update scopes:

    To add or update scopes, search for them and select or deselect the scopes that you want to use for this template.

    For details, see Scopes in the PingFederate Server guide.

    To update policy contracts:

    Add, delete, or update the current attribute mappings in the PingFederate policy contract associated with this template.

    For details, see Attribute contracts in the PingFederate Server guide.

    If you update a policy contract, a new contract is created in PingFederate, and you will be prompted to name it.

    If a template is associated with an environment that is deleted, you will not be able to update OIDC policy information for the template.
  2. Click Save.

    All applications based on the previous template version display an Outdated Template icon next to their names.

    If you updated the grant types, scopes, or policy contract information, the Save Template window displays and reminds you that you are creating a new version of this template. Applications created from the previous template will not change until you update the application to the latest template version. Briefly describe the updates you made to the template in the Comments field for tracking purposes and click Save.