
SAML 2.0 and PingAccess templates

Add, update, or delete SAML and PingAccess templates to meet your needs.

To add a SAML or PingAccess template, select a configuration to replicate. PingCentral retrieves this configuration and saves it as a template, which serves as a building block for future applications.

Adding SAML application templates


  1. All templates are listed on the Templates page. To add a new template, click Add Template.

  2. On the Integration Type page, select SAML. Click Next.

  3. On the Select SAML Connection page, select the PingFederate environment that hosts the connection you want to use as a template, and then select the connection from the Connection list.

    If an environment is offline or if a PingCentral administrator has set the environment status to Disabled, you will be unable to select a disabled environment for template creation.


    Details regarding the connection display.

    This example shows the information that displays when a SAML connection is selected.
  4. To see the JSON for the SAML connection, click Review Configuration.

  5. On the Name Template page, add a name and description for your template.

    This information will help application owners select the appropriate template.

  6. Select an icon to represent your template.

    The icon you choose is shown with the template name and description.

  7. Optional: If multiple authentication policy contracts exist in the underlying connection, choose the desired contract from the Authentication Policy Contracts list.

  8. Click Save and Close.


    You see the new template in the list of available application templates. Application owners see the new template on theSelect Template page.

    This example shows the Select Template screen, which lists the templates available for application owners to use.

    For SAML SP connection templates, the following items are saved:

    • Connection information

    • Attribute names and, if applicable, attribute sources defined in the associated authentication policy contract

Updating SAML and PingAccess templates


  1. To update a SAML or PingAccess template, click the Expand icon associated with the template and click the Pencil icon.

    All of the editable information is on one page.

  2. Update the information in the Name and Description fields or select a new icon to represent the template.

  3. Click Save.