
Sync flow examples

PingDataSync processes changes by fetching the most up-to-date, full entries from both sides and then comparing them. This process flow is called standard synchronization mode.

The processing flow differs depending on the type of PingDataSync change (ADD, MODIFY, DELETE, MODDN) that is requested. The following examples show the control flow diagrams for the sync operations, especially for those cases when a MODIFY or a DELETE operation is dropped. The sync log records all completed and failed operations.

Modify operation example

About this task

A process flow diagram that is described in detail in the following steps.


  1. Detect change from the change log table on the source.

  2. Fetch the entry or table rows from affected tables on the source.

  3. Perform any mappings and compute the equivalent destination entry by constructing an equivalent LDAP entry or equivalent table row.

  4. Fetch the entry or table rows from affected tables on the destination.

  5. Diff the computed destination entry and actual destination entry.

  6. Apply the changes to the destination.

Add operation example

About this task

A process flow diagram that is described in detail in the following steps.


  1. Detect change from the change log table on the source.

  2. Fetch the entry or table rows from affected tables on the source.

  3. Perform any mappings and compute the equivalent destination entry by constructing an equivalent LDAP entry or equivalent table row.

  4. Fetch the entry or table rows from affected tables on the destination.

  5. The entry or table row does not exist on the destination.

  6. Create the entry or table row.

Delete operation example

About this task

A process flow diagram that is described in detail in the following steps


  1. Detect delete from the change log table on the source.

  2. Fetch the entry or table rows from affected tables on the source.

  3. Perform any mappings and compute the equivalent destination entry by constructing an equivalent LDAP entry or equivalent table row.

  4. Fetch the entry or table rows from affected tables on the destination.

  5. The entry or table row exists on the destination.

  6. Apply the delete on the destination.

Delete after source entry is re-added

About this task

A process flow diagram that is described in detail in the following steps


  1. Detect delete from the change log table on the source.

  2. Fetch the entry or table rows from affected tables on the source.

  3. The entry or table row exists on the source.

  4. Delete request is dropped.

Standard modify after source entry is deleted

About this task

A process flow diagram that is described in detail in the following steps.


  1. Detect change from the change log table on the source.

  2. Fetch the entry or table rows from affected tables on the source.

  3. The entry does not exist.

  4. Change request is dropped because the source entry no longer exists.

Notification add, modify, modifyDN, and delete

About this task

A process flow diagram that is described in detail in the following steps.


  1. Detect change from the change log table on the source.

  2. Perform any mappings and compute the equivalent destination entry by constructing an equivalent LDAP entry or equivalent table row.

  3. Reconstruct changed entries.

  4. Push notification with change details to the destination.