
Deploying a basic replication topology

Set up a two-server replication topology.

About this task

The example uses the LDAP and replication server ports 1389 and 8989, respectively.

Replica Ports
Host Name LDAP Port Replication Port






  1. Install the first PingDirectory server with 2000 sample entries.


    $ ./setup --acceptLicense --baseDN "dc=example,dc=com" --ldapPort 1389 \ --rootUserPassword pass --sampleData 2000 --no-prompt
  2. Install the second PingDirectory server either on a separate host or the same host as the first, but with a different LDAP port.


    $ ./setup --acceptLicense --baseDN "dc=example,dc=com" --ldapPort 1389 \ --rootUserPassword pass --no-prompt
  3. To configure a replication topology, from the first server, run the bin/dsreplication command in interactive mode.


    $ bin/dsreplication
  4. From the Replication Main Menu, select Manage the topology.


    >>>> Replication Main Menu
    What do you want to do?
        1) Display replication status
        2) Manage the topology (add and remove servers)
        3) Initialize replica data over the network
        4) Initialize replica data manually
        5) Replace existing data on all servers
        q) quit
    Enter choice: 2
  5. From the Manage Replication Topology menu, select Enable Replication.


    >>>> Manage Replication Topology
    Select an operation for more information.
        1)  Enable Replication -- add or re-attach a server to the topology
        2)  Disable Replication -- permanently remove a running replica from the topology
        3)  Remove Defunct Server -- permanently remove an unavailable server from the
        4)  Cleanup Server -- remove replication artifacts from an offline, local server
              (allowing it to be re-added to a topology)
        b)  back
        q)  quit
    Enter choice [b]: 1
  6. From the Enable Replication menu, read the setup introduction. To continue the enable process, enter c.

  7. Enter the LDAP connection parameters for the first of the two server replicas that you are configuring.

    1. Enter the host name or IP address of the server.

    2. Enter the type of LDAP connection to the server.

      Choose from:

      • LDAP

      • LDAP with SSL

      • LDAP with StartTLS

    3. Enter the LDAP listener port for the server.

      If you are a root user, you see port 389 as the default. Others see port 1389.

    4. Authenticate as a root distinguished name (DN), such as cn=Directory Manager.

      Later in the process, you are prompted to set up a global administrator and password. The global administrator is the user ID that manages the replication topology group.

  8. Repeat steps 7a-7d for the second server replica.

  9. When the dsreplication tool checks for the base DN on both servers, press enter to select the default base DN.

    To enable replication, data must be present on at least one of the servers.


    Choose one or more available base DNs for which to enable replication:
        1)  dc=example,dc=com
        c)  cancel
    Enter one or more choices separated by commas [1]:

    If you see the following message, in most cases, a base DN was not set up on one of the PingDirectory servers, or the backend is disabled.

    There are no base DNs available to enable replication between the two servers.
  10. When you are prompted to set up entry balancing using the PingDirectoryProxy server, press enter to accept the default value.

    For more information, see the PingDirectoryProxy Server Administration Guide.


    Do you plan to configure entry balancing using the Directory Proxy Server? (yes / no) [no]:
  11. Enter the replication port for the first replica.

    The default replication port is 8989.

    The port you enter must be free.

  12. If you are prompted to enter a location, press enter to accept the default and set up a location for the first server. Enter the name of the server’s location.

    You are prompted for the location if you did not pre-define a location setting for the server.


    The first server has not been configured with a location.
    Assigning a location to each server in the replication topology reduces
    network traffic in multi-site deployments. Would you like to set the
    location in the first server? (yes / no) [yes]
    The location of the first server: Austin
  13. Repeat steps 9-12 for the second PingDirectory server.

    If you did not pre-define a location setting for the second server, you are prompted to enter location information for the server.

  14. Set up the global administrator user ID and a password for this account.

    The default global administrator user ID is admin.

    The global administrator user ID manages the PingDirectory servers used in the replication topology.


    Specify the user ID of the global administrator account
    that will be used to manage the Ping Identity
                      Directory Server
    instances to be replicated [admin]:
    Password for the global administrator:
    Confirm Password:
  15. Return to the Replication Main Menu and enter the number corresponding to initializing data over the network.

  16. To initialize data on a single server, from the Initialize Replica Data over the Network menu, select Initialize, and enter c to continue.

  17. To specify a server in the replication topology, enter the following information for the first server:

    • Host name or IP address

    • LDAP connection type

    • LDAP port

    • Global admin user ID and password

  18. Select the source server that is hosting the data to which the target server will be initialized.

    For this example, select the first server, since the sample dataset has been loaded onto this server.

  19. Select the base DN to initialize.

    In most cases, the base DN for the root suffix is replicated. In this example, dc=example,dc=com.

  20. Select the second server to have its data initialized, and enter the global admin user ID and password for the target server.

    Any data present on the target server is over-written.

  21. To confirm that you want to initialize data on the target server, press enter.


    Initializing the contents of a base DN removes all the existing contents of
    that base DN. Do you want to remove the contents of the selected base DNs on server and replace them with the contents of server (yes / no) [yes]:


    The server displays a Base DN initialized successfully message.

  22. On the Initialize Replica Data Over Network menu, enter b to back out one level to the main menu.

  23. To view the replication status, on the Replication Main Menu, enter the host name or IP address.


         --- Replication Servers: dc=example,dc=com ---
    Server                   : Location : Conflict Entries : Backlog : Recent Change Rate
    ds1 (   : austin   : 0                : 0       : 0
    ds2 (   : austin   : 0                : 0       : 0