
Configuring HTTP connection handlers

HTTP connection handlers are responsible for managing the communication with HTTP clients and invoking servlets to process requests from those clients. HTTP connection handlers can be used to host web applications on the server.

Each HTTP connection handler should be configured with one or more HTTP servlet extensions and zero or more HTTP operation log publishers.

If the HTTP Connection Handler cannot be started (for example, if its associated HTTP Servlet Extension fails to initialize), then this does not prevent the entire directory server from starting. The server’s start-server tool outputs any errors to the error log. This allows the server to continue serving LDAP requests even with a bad servlet extension.

The configuration properties available for use with an HTTP connection handler include the following:


Specifies the address on which the connection handler listens for requests from clients. If not specified, then requests are accepted on all addresses bound to the system.


Specifies the port on which the connection handler listens for requests from clients. Required.


Indicates whether the connection handler uses SSL/TLS to secure communications with clients, such as whether it uses HTTPS rather than HTTP. If SSL is enabled, then key-manager-provider and trust-manager-provider values must also be specified.


Specifies the set of servlet extensions that are enabled for use with the connection handler. You can have multiple HTTP connection handlers listening on different address/port combinations with identical or different sets of servlet extensions. You must configure at least one servlet extension.


Specifies the set of HTTP operation log publishers that should be used with the connection handler. By default, no HTTP operation log publishers are used.


Specifies the key manager provider that is used to obtain the certificate presented to clients if SSL is enabled.


Specifies the trust manager provider that is used to determine whether to accept any client certificates presented to the server.


Specifies the number of threads that should be used to process requests from HTTP clients. These threads are separate from the worker threads used to process other kinds of requests. The default value of zero means the number of threads are automatically selected based on the number of CPUs available to the Java virtual machine (JVM).


Specifies the web applications hosted by the server.

Configuring an HTTP connection handler

About this task

An HTTP connection handler has two dependent configuration objects:

  • One or more HTTP servlet extensions

  • An HTTP log publisher

    The log publisher is optional, but in most cases, you should configure one or more logs to troubleshoot any issues with your HTTP connection.

You must configure the HTTP servlet extension and log publisher before configuring the HTTP connection handler.


  1. To configure your HTTP servlet extensions, use the create-http-servlet-extension option with dsconfig.


    This example uses the ExampleHTTPServletExtension example in the Server SDK.

    $ bin/dsconfig create-http-servlet-extension \
      --extension-name "Hello World Servlet" \
      --type third-party \
      --set "" \
      --set "extension-argument:path=/" \
      --set "extension-argument:name=example-servlet"
  2. To configure one or more HTTP log publishers, use the create-log-publisher option with dsconfig.


    This example configures two log publishers: one for common access and one for detailed access. Both log publishers use the default configuration settings for log rotation and retention.

    $ bin/dsconfig create-log-publisher \
      --publisher-name "HTTP Common Access Logger" \
      --type common-log-file-http-operation \
      --set enabled:true \
      --set log-file:logs/http-common-access \
      --set "rotation-policy:24 Hours Time Limit Rotation Policy" \
      --set "rotation-policy:Size Limit Rotation Policy" \
      --set "retention-policy:File Count Retention Policy" \
      --set "retention-policy:Free Disk Space Retention Policy"
    $ bin/dsconfig create-log-publisher \
      --publisher-name "HTTP Detailed Access Logger" \
      --type detailed-http-operation \
      --set enabled:true \
      --set log-file:logs/http-detailed-access \
      --set "rotation-policy:24 Hours Time Limit Rotation Policy" \
      --set "rotation-policy:Size Limit Rotation Policy" \
      --set "retention-policy:File Count Retention Policy" \
      --set "retention-policy:Free Disk Space Retention Policy"
  3. To configure the HTTP connection handler, specify the HTTP servlet extension and log publishers using the create-connection-handler option with dsconfig.

    You can update some configuration properties later as needed, but for others, like listen-port, you must disable and then re-enable the HTTP Connection Handler for the change to take effect.


    $ bin/dsconfig create-connection-handler \
      --handler-name "Hello World HTTP Connection Handler" \
      --type http \
      --set enabled:true \
      --set listen-port:8443 \
      --set use-ssl:true \
      --set "http-servlet-extension:Hello World Servlet" \
      --set "http-operation-log-publisher:HTTP Common Access Logger" \
      --set "http-operation-log-publisher:HTTP Detailed Access Logger" \
      --set "key-manager-provider:JKS" \
      --set "trust-manager-provider:JKS"
  4. To monitor the connection handler, use the ldapsearch tool.

    By default, the HTTP connection handler has an advanced monitor entry property, keep-stats, that is set to TRUE by default.


    $ bin/ldapsearch --baseDN "cn=monitor" \

Configuring an HTTP connection handler for web applications

About this task

To host web applications on the server, use HTTP connection handlers.


  1. To create the web application servlet extension, use the create-web-application-extension option with dsconfig.


    $ bin/dsconfig create-web-application-extension \
      --extension-name "Hello Web Application" \
      --set "base-context-path:/hello-app" \
      --set "document-root-directory:/opt/hello-web-app"
  2. To monitor the connection handler, use the ldapsearch tool.

    By default, the HTTP connection handler has an advanced monitor entry property, keep-stats, that is set to TRUE.


    $ bin/ldapsearch --baseDN "cn=monitor" \

HTTP correlation IDs

Correlation IDs make it easier to track log messages across a software system request that passes through multiple subsystems.

Scattered and intermingled log messages create challenges for tracing the request flow on distributed systems. A correlation ID can be assigned to a request and added to all associated operations as the request is processed. A correlation ID allows related log messages to be easily located and grouped. The server supports correlation IDs for all HTTP requests received through its HTTP or HTTPS Connection Handler.

When an HTTP request is received, it is automatically assigned a correlation ID. This ID can be used to correlate HTTP responses with messages recorded to the HTTP Detailed Operation log and the trace log. For specific web APIs, the correlation ID might also be passed to the LDAP subsystem.

The correlation ID appears with associated requests in LDAP logs in the correlationID key for the following REST APIs:

  • SCIM 1

  • Delegated admin

  • Consent

  • Directory

The correlation ID is used as the default client request ID value in intermediate client request controls used by the following REST APIs:

  • SCIM 2

  • Consent

  • Directory

Values related to the intermediate client request control appear in the LDAP logs in the via key and are forwarded to downstream LDAP servers when received by PingDirectoryProxy server. The correlation ID header is also added to requests forwarded by the PingDirectory gateway.

For Server SDK extensions that have access to the current HttpServletRequest, the current correlation ID can be retrieved as a string through the HttpServletRequest com.pingidentity.pingdata.correlation_id attribute, as shown.

(String) request.getAttribute("com.pingidentity.pingdata.correlation_id");

Configuring HTTP correlation ID support

About this task

Correlation ID support is enabled by default for each HTTP Connection Handler.


  • To enable or disable correlation ID support for the HTTPS Connection Handler, use the set-connection-handler-prop option with dsconfig.


    This example shows how to enable correlation ID support.

    $ dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
      --handler-name "HTTPS Connection Handler" \
      --set use-correlation-id-header:true

    This example shows how to disable correlation ID support.

    $ dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
      --handler-name "HTTPS Connection Handler" \
      --set use-correlation-id-header:false
  • To customize the response header name for the correlation ID, use the set-connection-handler-prop option with dsconfig.

    The server generates a correlation ID for every HTTP request and sends it in the response through the Correlation-Id response header.


    This example changes the correlation-id-response-header property value to X-Request-Id.

    $ dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
       --handler-name "HTTPS Connection Handler" \
       --set correlation-id-response-header:X-Request-Id
  • To designate the names of one or more HTTP request headers that contain an existing correlation ID value, use the set-connection-handler-prop option with dsconfig.

    This enables the server to integrate with a larger system consisting of every servers using correlation IDs.

    By default, the server generates a new, unique correlation ID for each HTTP request and ignores any correlation ID that might be set on the request.

    $ dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop --handler-name "HTTPS Connection Handler" \
      --set correlation-id-request-header:X-Request-Id \
      --set correlation-id-request-header:X-Correlation-Id \
      --set correlation-id-request-header:Correlation-Id \
      --set correlation-id-request-header:X-Amzn-Trace-Id

HTTP correlation ID example

In this example, a request to the directory REST API is made and the correlation ID enables finding HTTP-specific log messages that also have LDAP-specific log messages. The response to the API call includes a Correlation-Id header with the value ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127.

GET /directory/v1/me?includeAttributes=mail HTTP/1.1
 Accept: /
 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
 Authorization: Bearer ...
 Connection: keep-alive
 Host: localhost:1443
 User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.9

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Content-Length: 266
 Content-Type: application/hal+json
 Correlation-Id: ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127
 Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2018 15:16:50 GMT
 Request-Id: 369

      "_dn": "uid=user.86,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",
      "_links": {
         "schemas": [
              "href": "https://localhost:1443/directory/v1/schemas/inetOrgPerson"
         "self": {
              "href": "https://localhost:1443/directory/v1/uid=user.86,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
     "mail": [

The correlation ID can be used to search the HTTP trace log for matching log records, as in the following example.

$  grep 'correlationID="ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127"' PingDirectory/logs/debug-trace
      [02/Nov/2018:10:16:50.294 -0500] HTTP REQUEST requestID=369 correlationID="ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127" product="{pingdir}  Directory Server" instanceName="ds1" startupID="W9ikqA==" threadID=52358 from=[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:58918 method=GET url="https://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1443/directory/v1/me?includeAttributes=mail"
 [02/Nov/2018:10:16:50.526 -0500] DEBUG ACCESS-TOKEN-VALIDATOR-PROCESSING requestID=369 correlationID="ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127" msg="Identity Mapper with DN 'cn=User ID Identity Mapper,cn=Identity Mappers,cn=config' mapped ID 'user.86' to entry DN 'uid=user.86,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'"
 [02/Nov/2018:10:16:50.526 -0500] DEBUG ACCESS-TOKEN-VALIDATOR-PROCESSING requestID=369 correlationID="ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127" accessTokenId="201811020831" msg="Token Validator 'Mock Access Token Validator' validated access token with active = 'true', sub = 'user.86', owner = 'uid=user.86,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com', clientId = 'client1', scopes = 'ds', expiration = 'none', not-used-before = 'none', current time = 'Nov 2, 2018 10:16:50 AM CDT' "
 [02/Nov/2018:10:16:50.531 -0500] HTTP RESPONSE requestID=369 correlationID="ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127" accessTokenId="201811020831" product="{pingdir}  Directory Server" instanceName="ds1" startupID="W9ikqA==" threadID=52358 statusCode=200 etime=236.932 responseContentLength=266
      [02/Nov/2018:10:16:50.531 -0500] DEBUG HTTP-FULL-REQUEST-AND-RESPONSE requestID=369 correlationID="ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127" accessTokenId="201811020831" product="{pingdir}  Directory Server" instanceName="ds1" startupID="W9ikqA==" threadID=52358 from=[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:58918 method=GET url="https://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1443/directory/v1/me?includeAttributes=mail" statusCode=200 etime=236.932 responseContentLength=266 msg="

The LDAP log messages associated with this request can also be located, as in the following example.

$  grep 'correlationID="ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127"' PingDirectory/logs/access
 [02/Nov/2018:10:16:50.529 -0500] SEARCH RESULT instanceName="ds1" threadID=52358 conn=-371045 op=1657393 msgID=1657394 origin="Directory REST API" httpRequestID="369" correlationID="ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127" authDN="uid=user.86,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" requesterIP="internal" requesterDN="uid=user.86,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" requestControls="" via="app='PingDirectory-ds1' clientIP='0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1' sessionID='201811020831' requestID='ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127'" base="uid=user.86,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" scope=0 filter="(&)" attrs="mail,objectClass" resultCode=0 resultCodeName="Success" etime=0.684 entriesReturned=1
 [02/Nov/2018:10:16:50.530 -0500] EXTENDED RESULT instanceName="ds1" threadID=52358 conn=-371046 op=1657394 msgID=1657395 origin="Directory REST API" httpRequestID="369" correlationID="ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127" authDN="cn=Internal Client,cn=Internal,cn=Root DNs,cn=config" requesterIP="internal" requesterDN="cn=Internal Client,cn=Internal,cn=Root DNs,cn=config" requestControls="" via="app='PingDirectory-ds1' clientIP='0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1' sessionID='201811020831' requestID='ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127'" requestOID="" requestType="Password Policy State" resultCode=0 resultCodeName="Success" etime=0.542 usedPrivileges="bypass-acl,password-reset" responseOID="" responseType="Password Policy State" dn="uid=user.86,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
 [02/Nov/2018:10:16:50.530 -0500] SEARCH RESULT instanceName="ds1" threadID=52358 conn=-371048 op=1657397 msgID=1657398 origin="Directory REST API" httpRequestID="369" correlationID="ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127" authDN="cn=Internal Client,cn=Internal,cn=Root DNs,cn=config" requesterIP="internal" requesterDN="cn=Internal Client,cn=Internal,cn=Root DNs,cn=config" requestControls="" via="app='PingDirectory-ds1' clientIP='0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1' sessionID='201811020831' requestID='ee919049-6710-4594-9c66-28b4ada4b127'" base="cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config" scope=0 filter="(&)" attrs="ds-cfg-password-attribute" resultCode=0 resultCodeName="Success" etime=0.065 preAuthZUsedPrivileges="bypass-acl,config-read" entriesReturned=1