
What can I configure with PingAccess?

PingAccess includes a wide range of features to customize your identity access management deployment.


Agents are web server plugins that are installed on the web server hosting the target application. Agents intercept client requests to protected applications and allow or deny the request to proceed by consulting the policy manager or using cached information. Agents communicate with the PingAccess policy server through the PingAccess Agent Protocol (PAAP), which defines the possible interactions between agents and policy server.

Agents have a name to identify them and a shared secret for authentication with the policy server. Agents do not need to be unique. There can be any number of agents using the same name and secret, and they are all treated equally by policy server. This is useful in complex deployments where unique agents would be difficult to manage. Agents can be assigned as the destination for one or more applications by name.


Applications represent the protected web applications and APIs to which client requests are sent. Applications are composed of one or more resources and have a common virtual host and context root corresponding to a single target site. Applications also use a common web session and identity mapping.

To protect applications and their resources, you can apply access control and request processing rules on the policy manager page using the following options:

PingAccess gateway

In a gateway deployment, the target application is specified as a site.

PingAccess agent

In an agent deployment, the application destination is an agent.

Authentication requirements

Authentication requirements are policies that dictate how a user must authenticate before access is granted to a protected web application. Authentication methods are string values and ordered in a list by preference. At runtime, the type of authentication attempted is determined by the order of the authentication methods.

For example:

  1. A user attempts to access a PingAccess web application configured with an authentication requirement list containing the values, such as password and certificate.

  2. PingAccess redirects the user to PingFederate requesting either password or certificate user authentication.

  3. PingFederate authenticates the user based on the password and issues an OpenID Connect (OIDC) ID token to PingAccess, containing the authentication method that was used.

  4. PingAccess ensures that the authentication method matches the requirements and redirects the user to the originally requested application with the PingAccess cookie set.

  5. The user navigates to the application and access is granted.

    When the user attempts to access a more sensitive application, configured with an authentication requirement list containing the value (certificate), they are redirected to PingFederate to authenticate with a certificate.

If you configure applications with authentication requirement lists that have no overlap, a user navigating between those applications might be required to authenticate each time they visit an application. So, when you’re configuring authentication requirement lists to protect higher value applications with step-up authentication, consider including stronger forms of authentication on lower value applications as well.

Auth token management

Auth token management settings define the issuer and signing configuration used by JSON Web Token (JWT) identity mappings.

Availability profiles

Availability profiles are used in a site configuration to define how PingAccess classifies a backend target server as failed. Sites require the selection of an availability profile even if only one target is provided.

If multiple targets are specified in a site configuration but a load balancing strategy is not applied, then the availability profile causes the first listed target in the site configuration to be used unless it fails. Secondary targets are only used if the first target is not available.


Certificates are used to establish anchors used to define trust to certificates presented during secure HTTPS connections. Outbound secure HTTPS connections, such as communication with PingFederate for OAuth access token validation, identity mediation, and communication with a target site, require a certificate trusted by PingAccess. If one does not exist, communication is not allowed.

Certificates used by PingAccess can be issued by a certificate authority (CA) or self-signed. Use CA-issued certificates to simplify trust establishment and minimize routine certificate management operations. Implementations of an X.509-based PKI (PKIX) typically have a set of root CAs that are trusted, and the root certificates are used to establish chains of trust to certificates presented by a client or a server during communication.

The following formats for X.509 certificates are supported:

  • Base64 encoded DER (PEM)

  • Binary encoded DER


To provide higher scalability and availability for critical services, configure PingAccess in a clustered environment.

PingAccess clusters are made up of three types of nodes:

Administrative node

Provides the administrator with a configuration interface.

Replica administrative node

Provides the administrator with the ability to recover a failed administrative node using a manual failover procedure.

Engine node

Handles incoming client requests and evaluates policy decisions based on the configuration replicated from the administrative node.

You can configure any number of clustered engines in a cluster, but you can only configure one administrative console and one replica administrative console in a cluster.

HTTP requests

HTTP Requests are used to match a served resource with the originating client when one or more reverse proxies are between the client and the served resource. For example, when a reverse proxy sits between the client and the PingAccess server or a PingAccess agent, the additional proxy might be identified as the client. Such proxies can be configured to inject additional headers to relay the originating client address.

Identity mappings

Identity mappings make user attributes available to back-end sites that use them for authentication. There are multiple types of identity mappings, each with different behavior and a distinct set of fields to specify the identity mapping behavior.

Key pairs

Key pairs are required for secure HTTPS communication. A key pair includes a private key and an X.509 certificate. The certificate includes a public key and the metadata about the owner of the private key.

PingAccess listens for client requests on the administrative console port and on the PingAccess engine port. To enable these ports for HTTPS, the first time you start up PingAccess, it generates and assigns a key pair for each port. These generated key pairs are assigned on the HTTPS Listeners page.

Additionally, key pairs are used by the mutual TLS site authenticator to authenticate PingAccess to a target site. When initiating communication, PingAccess presents the client certificate from a key pair to the site during the mutual TLS transaction. The site must be able to trust this certificate for authentication to succeed.


Listeners monitor ports for incoming requests. PingAccess can place listeners on ADMIN, ENGINE, and AGENT ports.

Load balancing strategies

Load balancing strategies are used in a site configuration to distribute the load between multiple backend target servers. Load balancing settings are optional and are only available if more than one target is listed for a site. This functionality can replace a load balancer appliance between the PingAccess engine nodes and the target servers, allowing for a simpler network architecture.

The header-based strategy requires a header be included in the request that defines the target to select from the site configuration. This strategy has an option to fall back if the requested target is unavailable or if the header is missing from the request.

The round robin strategy has a sticky session option that permits a browser session to be pinned to a persistent backend target. This strategy works in conjunction with the availability profile to select a target based on its availability, and the load balancer does not select a target that is in a failed state.


Policies are rules, rule sets, or groups of rule sets applied to an application and its resources. Policies define how and when a client can access target sites. The policy manager is a rich drag-and-drop interface where you can manage policies by:

  • Creating rules

  • Building rule sets and rule set groups

  • Applying them to applications and resources

When a client attempts to access an application resource identified in one of the policy’s rules, rule sets, or rule set groups, PingAccess uses the information contained in the policy to decide whether the client can access the application resource and whether any additional actions need to take place prior to granting access.

Rules can restrict access in a number of ways such as testing user attributes, time of day, request IP addresses, or OAuth access token scopes. Rules can also perform request processing, such as modifying headers or rewriting URLs.


Configure settings to authenticate with a forward proxy server when PingAccess makes requests to sites or token providers.

Rules, rule sets, and rule set groups

Rules are the building blocks for access control and request processing. There are many types of rules, each with different behavior and a distinct set of fields to specify the rule behavior. Rule sets allow you to group multiple rules into re-usable sets which can be applied to applications and resources. Rule set groups can contain rule sets or other rule set groups, allowing the creation of hierarchies of rules to any level of depth. Rule sets and rule set groups can be applied to applications and resources as required.


Sites are the target applications or APIs that PingAccess gateway is protecting and to which authorized client requests are ultimately forwarded to.

Site authenticators

When a client attempts to access a target web site, that site can limit access to only authenticated clients. PingAccess integrates with those security models using site authenticators. PingAccess supports a variety of site authenticators that range from basic username and password authentication to certificate and token-based authentication. Create a site authenticator for the type of authentication the site requires.

Token provider

Token providers are used as a method of providing credentials for secure access to a given target.

Unknown resources

Unknown resources are resources for which there is no PingAccess definition. You can specify the default and per-agent handling behavior for unknown resource requests and configure custom error responses.

Virtual hosts

Virtual hosts enable PingAccess to protect multiple application domains and hosts. A virtual host is defined by the host name and host port.

Web sessions

Web sessions define the policy for web application session creation, lifetime, timeouts, and their scope. You can configure multiple web sessions to scope the session to meet the needs of a target set of applications. This improves the security model of the session by preventing unrelated applications from impersonating the end user.