
PingAccess 7.2.4 (August 2024)

Fixed a security vulnerability with URL-encoded characters

Security PA-15776

Added the pa.uri.canonicalize parameter to the Configuration file reference to fix a security vulnerability. Learn more in an upcoming security advisory.

Opt out of automatic URL encoding

Improved PA-15697

By default, redirect rules and rejection handlers automatically URL encode the admin input redirect URL. This could cause unexpected behavior if an application targeted by a redirect requires the URL to follow a specific format.

You can now opt out of automatic URL encoding by deselecting the Encode URL check box on a specific application resource logout or redirect response generator, redirect rule, redirect authentication challenge response generator, or redirect rejection handler. Learn more in:

Set response headers for OAuth errors

Improved PA-15764

Added the oauth.error.headers and oauth.error.header.Content-Security-Policy parameters to the Configuration file reference.

Fixed issues with query parameter behavior due to automatic URL encoding

Fixed PA-15696

Fixed an issue with automatically URL encoding target redirect URLs that sometimes disrupted query parameter sort order or added a trailing = to the end of single value query parameters. This issue affected redirect rules, redirect rejection handlers, redirect virtual resources, logout virtual resources, and redirect authentication challenge policy response generators.

Fixed admin JWKS endpoint returning a 401 or 500 response instead of the OAuth key set

Fixed PA-15723

Fixed an issue that caused PingAccess to override existing handling for the /pa/oauth/JWKS endpoint for the admin listener with the engine self-registration handler, prompting requests made to the endpoint to result in 401 unauthorized responses or 500 internal server errors.

Fixed potential infinite loop issue with PingAccess clusters

Fixed PA-15741

Fixed a potential infinite loop issue that could prevent an engine node or replica administrative node from applying configuration changes.